Interface EnableResourceValidator

  • public interface EnableResourceValidator
    Callback which is called at the beginning of enabling a resource
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ConnectorResponse validate​(String resourceIngestionDefinitionId)
      Callback which is called at the beginning of enabling a resource but after simple validation (whether a given resource exists and whether the resource is not already enabled).
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        ConnectorResponse validate​(String resourceIngestionDefinitionId)
        Callback which is called at the beginning of enabling a resource but after simple validation (whether a given resource exists and whether the resource is not already enabled). It can be used in order to add custom logic which validates whether the resource can be enabled. If it returns a response with code different from OK, the enabling logic will not be executed and ENABLE_RESOURCE procedure will return this error.
        resourceIngestionDefinitionId - id of a resource ingestion definition which is planned to be enabled
        a response with the code OK if the execution was successful and the resource can be enabled, otherwise a response with an error code and an error message