Class DefaultWorkerCombinedView

    • Method Detail

      • getWorkersExecuting

        public List<WorkerId> getWorkersExecuting​(List<String> ids)
        Description copied from interface: WorkerCombinedView
        Returns the ids of workers executing ingestion of a specified resource.
        Specified by:
        getWorkersExecuting in interface WorkerCombinedView
        ids - Identifiers of work queue items
        list of ids of workers executing ingestion of a specified resource
      • getWorkersExecuting

        public Stream<WorkerId> getWorkersExecuting​(String resourceId)
        Description copied from interface: WorkerCombinedView
        Returns the ids of workers executing ingestion of a specified resource.
        Specified by:
        getWorkersExecuting in interface WorkerCombinedView
        resourceId - resource id
        list of ids of workers executing ingestion of a specified resource
      • recreate

        public void recreate​(List<WorkerId> workerIds)
        Description copied from interface: WorkerCombinedView
        Replaces current view, with actual state of queues.
        Specified by:
        recreate in interface WorkerCombinedView
        workerIds - identifiers of currently active workers