Class TimestampUtil

  • public class TimestampUtil
    extends Object
    Utility class which provides mapping methods between Timestamp and Instant.

    The mapping methods should be used in order to properly save or fetch a UTC timestamp value from a TIMESTAMP_NTZ column.

    The reason for using the methods is that Snowflake treats Timestamp as a date in your local time zone, and when the conversion is not handled properly - the information about the time zone can be lost, which leads to incorrect values saved in database or fetched from database.

    • Method Detail

      • toInstant

        public static Instant toInstant​(Timestamp timestamp)
        Method for converting given Timestamp to Instant. This method should be used in order to keep given date in UTC format when it is needed to convert a Timestamp fetched from database to Instant. It should be used instead of Timestamp#toInstant, because Snowflake treats Timestamp object as a date in your local time zone and when you use Timestamp#toInstant() - the information about the time zone is being lost.
        timestamp - timestamp object in your local time zone
        instant object in UTC time zone
      • toTimestamp

        public static Timestamp toTimestamp​(Instant instant)
        Method for converting given Instant to Timestamp. The method converts a UTC Instant to a Timestamp in your local time zone, so that when this value is saved to a database to a TIMESTAMP_NTZ column, the value will be in UTC format.
        instant - instant object in UTC format
        timestamp object in your local time zone