AsyncJob |
Provides a way to track an asynchronous query in Snowflake.
CaseExpr |
Represents a CASE
Column |
Represents a column or an expression in a DataFrame.
CopyableDataFrame |
DataFrame for loading data from files in a stage to a table.
CopyableDataFrameAsyncActor |
Provides APIs to execute CopyableDataFrame actions asynchronously.
DataFrame |
Represents a lazily-evaluated relational dataset that contains a collection of Row
objects with columns defined by a schema (column name and type).
DataFrameAsyncActor |
Provides APIs to execute DataFrame actions asynchronously.
DataFrameNaFunctions |
Provides functions for handling missing values in a DataFrame.
DataFrameReader |
Provides methods to load data in various supported formats from a Snowflake stage to a DataFrame.
DataFrameStatFunctions |
Provides eagerly computed statistical functions for DataFrames.
DataFrameWriter |
Provides methods for writing data from a DataFrame to supported output destinations.
DataFrameWriterAsyncActor |
Provides APIs to execute DataFrameWriter actions asynchronously.
DeleteResult |
Result of deleting rows in an Updatable
FileOperation |
Provides methods for working on files in a stage.
GetResult |
Represents the results of downloading a file from a stage location to the local file system.
GroupingSets |
A Container of grouping sets that you pass to DataFrame.groupByGroupingSets
HasCachedResult |
A DataFrame that returns cached data.
MatchedClauseBuilder |
Builder for a matched clause.
MergeBuilder |
Builder for a merge action.
MergeBuilderAsyncActor |
Provides APIs to execute MergeBuilder actions asynchronously.
MergeResult |
Result of merging a DataFrame into an Updatable DataFrame
NotMatchedClauseBuilder |
Builder for a not matched clause.
PutResult |
Represents the results of uploading a local file to a stage location.
RelationalGroupedDataFrame |
Represents an underlying DataFrame with rows that are grouped by common values.
Row |
Represents a row returned by the evaluation of a DataFrame .
SaveMode |
SaveMode configures the behavior when data is written from a DataFrame to a data source using a
DataFrameWriter instance.
Session |
Establishes a connection with a Snowflake database and provides methods for creating DataFrames
and accessing objects for working with files in stages.
SessionBuilder |
Provides methods to set configuration properties and create a Session .
SProcRegistration |
Provides methods to register a SProc (Stored Procedure) in the Snowflake database.
StoredProcedure |
This reference to a Stored Procedure which can be created by Session.sproc().register
methods, and used in Session.storedProcedure() method.
TableFunction |
Looks up table functions by funcName and returns tableFunction object which can be used in
DataFrame.join and Session.tableFunction methods.
TypedAsyncJob |
Provides a way to track an asynchronously executed action in a DataFrame.
UDFRegistration |
Provides methods to register lambdas and functions as UDFs in the Snowflake database.
UDTFRegistration |
Provides methods to register a UDTF (user-defined table function) in the Snowflake database.
Updatable |
Represents a lazily-evaluated Updatable.
UpdatableAsyncActor |
Provides APIs to execute Updatable actions asynchronously.
UpdateResult |
Result of updating rows in an Updatable
UserDefinedFunction |
Encapsulates a user defined lambda or function that is returned by
UDFRegistration.registerTemporary , UDFRegistration.registerPermanent , or
Functions.udf .
WindowSpec |
Represents a window frame clause.
WriteFileResult |
Represents the results of writing data from a DataFrame to a file in a stage.