Package com.snowflake.snowpark_java.types
Provides the classes specifying the schema (the data types of the fields) of semi-structured data.
Class Summary Class Description ArrayType Array data type.BinaryType Binary data type.BooleanType Boolean data type.ByteType Byte data type.CloudProviderToken The Snowflake class provides access to the CloudProviderToken secret object with the following properties: accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, and token.ColumnIdentifier Represents Column IdentifierDataType Snowpark data typesDataTypes This class contains all singleton DataTypes and factory methods.DateType Date data type.DecimalType Decimal data type.DoubleType Double data type.FloatType Float data type.Geography Java representation of Snowflake Geography data.GeographyType Geography data type.Geometry Java representation of Snowflake Geometry data.GeometryType Geography data type.IntegerType Integer data type.LongType Long integer data type.MapType Map data type.ShortType Short integer data type.SnowflakeFile Custom Snowflake class that provides users with additional information on top of the core capability of reading Snowflake files.StringType String data type.StructField Represents the content of StructType.StructType StructType data type, represents table schema.TimestampType Timestamp data type.TimeType Time data type.Variant Representation of Snowflake Variant dataVariantType Variant data type.