Class IngestionConfiguration<C,​D>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - class of the custom ingestion properties
    D - class of the properties describing where the ingested data should be stored

    public class IngestionConfiguration<C,​D>
    extends Object
    Representation of an ingestion configuration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IngestionConfiguration

        public IngestionConfiguration()
        Creates an empty IngestionConfiguration.

        This constructor is used by the reflection-based mapping process and should not be used for any other purpose.

      • IngestionConfiguration

        public IngestionConfiguration​(String id,
                                      IngestionStrategy ingestionStrategy,
                                      C customIngestionConfiguration,
                                      ScheduleType scheduleType,
                                      String scheduleDefinition,
                                      D destination)
        Creates a new IngestionConfiguration.
        id - ingestion configuration id
        ingestionStrategy - ingestion strategy
        customIngestionConfiguration - custom ingestion properties
        scheduleType - schedule type
        scheduleDefinition - schedule definition
        destination - properties describing where the ingested data should be stored
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Returns the ingestion configuration id.
        ingestion configuration id
      • getIngestionStrategy

        public IngestionStrategy getIngestionStrategy()
        Returns the ingestion strategy.
        ingestion strategy
      • getCustomIngestionConfiguration

        public C getCustomIngestionConfiguration()
        Returns the custom ingestion properties.
        custom ingestion properties
      • getScheduleType

        public ScheduleType getScheduleType()
        Returns the schedule type.
        schedule type
      • getScheduleDefinition

        public String getScheduleDefinition()
        Returns the schedule definition.
        schedule definition
      • getDestination

        public D getDestination()
        Returns the properties describing where the ingested data should be stored.
        properties describing where the ingested data should be stored
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object