Interface UpdateResourceValidator

  • public interface UpdateResourceValidator
    Callback which is called at the beginning of updating a resource ingestion configuration
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        ConnectorResponse validate​(String resourceIngestionDefinitionId,
                                   List<IngestionConfiguration<Variant,​Variant>> ingestionConfigurations)
        Callback that is called at the beginning of updating a resource ingestion configuration process intended to initial input validation.

        This callback can be used in order to add custom logic which validates whether the resource ingestion configuration is allowed to be overridden. If it returns a response with code different from OK, the update logic will not be executed and UPDATE_RESOURCE procedure will return the same error response.

        resourceIngestionDefinitionId - id of Resource Ingestion Definition
        ingestionConfigurations - updated Resource Ingestion Configuration
        a response with the code OK if the validation was successful and the resource can be updated, otherwise a response with an error code and an error message