Interface OnIngestionFinishedCallback

  • public interface OnIngestionFinishedCallback
    Callback called when ingestion has been finished.

    Default implementation of this callback updates metadata of the finished ingestion process, and:

    • if current status of the ingestion process is IN_PROGRESS, then next iteration is scheduled by changing the status to SCHEDULED
    • if current status of the ingestion process is COMPLETED, then next iteration is not scheduled and the status is preserved
    • Method Detail

      • onIngestionFinished

        void onIngestionFinished​(String processId,
                                 Variant metadata)
        Action executed when the next ingestion is finished.
        processId - ingestion process id
        metadata - new ingestion process metadata
      • getInstance

        static OnIngestionFinishedCallback getInstance​(Session session)
        Returns a new instance of the default callback implementation.

        Default implementation of the callback uses a default implementation of CrudIngestionProcessRepository.

        session - Snowpark session object
        a new callback instance