Class Identifier

  • public class Identifier
    extends Object
    Representation of a Snowflake object identifier.

    An Identifier object can be a representation of:

    • an unquoted object identifier
    • a quoted object identifier

    Read more about object identifiers at Snowflake here and here.

    • Method Detail

      • from

        public static Identifier from​(String identifier)
        Creates a new identifier instance from the provided String, without any additional quoting.
        identifier - identifier String
        new identifier instance
        InvalidIdentifierException - if an invalid or null identifier is provided
      • from

        public static Identifier from​(String identifier,
                                      Identifier.AutoQuoting autoQuoting)
        Creates a new identifier instance from the provided String, with possible additional auto quoting if enabled.
        identifier - identifier String
        autoQuoting - whether auto quoting should be used
        new identifier instance
      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(String identifier)
        Returns whether the provided String matches is a valid identifier.
        identifier - String to check
        whether the provided String is a valid identifier
      • isUnquoted

        public static boolean isUnquoted​(String identifier)
        Returns whether the provided String is a valid unquoted identifier.
        identifier - String to check
        whether the provided String is a valid unquoted identifier
      • isQuoted

        public static boolean isQuoted​(String identifier)
        Returns whether the provided String is a valid quoted identifier.
        identifier - String to check
        whether the provided String is a valid quoted identifier
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Returns the identifier value.

        Returned value is ready to use in any SQL queries, no additional quoting or character escaping is required.

        identifier value
      • getUnquotedValue

        public String getUnquotedValue()
        Returns the identifier value in an unquoted form.

        If the identifier value is already unquoted - it is returned without any changes.

        Otherwise unescapes any double quote characters in the identifier value (by replacing doubled characters with single ones) and unwraps the resulting String from double quotes.

        unquoted identifier value
      • getQuotedValue

        public String getQuotedValue()
        Returns the identifier value in a quoted form.

        If the identifier value is already quoted - it is returned without any changes.

        Otherwise escapes any double quote characters in the identifier value (by doubling them) and wraps the resulting String is double quotes.

        unquoted identifier value
      • getVariantValue

        public Variant getVariantValue()
        Returns the identifier value wrapped in a Snowpark Variant object.
        identifier value in a Variant
      • isUnquoted

        public boolean isUnquoted()
        Returns whether the identifier is unquoted.
        whether the identifier is unquoted
      • isQuoted

        public boolean isQuoted()
        Returns whether the identifier is quoted.
        whether the identifier is quoted
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object