Class DefaultTaskRepository

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultTaskRepository

        public DefaultTaskRepository​(Session session)
        Creates a new DefaultTaskRepository.
        session - Snowpark session object
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public TaskRef create​(TaskDefinition definition,
                              boolean replace,
                              boolean ifNotExists)
        Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
        Creates or replaces task with given definition in the database.
        Specified by:
        create in interface TaskRepository
        definition - set of properties defining task to be created
        replace - flag to replace task if it existed
        ifNotExists - flag to create task only when it did not exist
        Reference to the created task.
      • fetch

        public TaskRef fetch​(ObjectName objectName)
        Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
        Provides database reference to task without executing database call.
        Specified by:
        fetch in interface TaskRepository
        objectName - name of the referenced task
        Reference task object.