Class Command

  • public class Command
    extends Object
    Representation of the command entity from the command queue table.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Command

        public Command​(String id,
                       String commandType,
                       Variant payload,
                       long seqNo)
        Creates a Command object with all fields initialized.
        id - id of the commands
        commandType - the name of the command type which is mapped to one of Command.CommandType values
        payload - custom optional payload that should match the contract defined by the command type
        seqNo - the value by which the commands execution order is defined
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Returns the command id.
        id of the command
      • getType

        public Command.CommandType getType()
        Returns the command type.
        command type
      • getPayload

        public Variant getPayload()
        Returns the custom payload.
        command custom payload
      • getSeqNo

        public long getSeqNo()
        Returns the sequence number.
        command sequence number