Class TestConfigAssert

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert

        actual, info, myself, objects, throwUnsupportedExceptionOnEquals
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      TestConfigAssert hasFlag​(boolean flag)
      Asserts that this config has a flag equal to the specified value.
      TestConfigAssert hasIntConfig​(int intConfig)
      Asserts that this config has an int config equal to the specified value.
      TestConfigAssert hasStringConfig​(String stringConfig)
      Asserts that this config has a string config equal to the specified value.
      TestConfigAssert isTestConfigObject()
      Asserts that this object is an instance of TestConfig.
      • Methods inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert

        areEqual, asInstanceOf, asList, assertionError, asString, describedAs, descriptionText, doesNotHave, doesNotHaveSameClassAs, doesNotHaveSameHashCodeAs, doesNotHaveToString, doesNotHaveToString, equals, extracting, extracting, failure, failureWithActualExpected, failWithActualExpectedAndMessage, failWithMessage, getWritableAssertionInfo, has, hashCode, hasSameClassAs, hasSameHashCodeAs, hasToString, hasToString, inBinary, inHexadecimal, is, isElementOfCustomAssert, isEqualTo, isExactlyInstanceOf, isIn, isIn, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOfAny, isInstanceOfSatisfying, isNot, isNotEqualTo, isNotExactlyInstanceOf, isNotIn, isNotIn, isNotInstanceOf, isNotInstanceOfAny, isNotNull, isNotOfAnyClassIn, isNotSameAs, isNull, isOfAnyClassIn, isSameAs, matches, matches, newListAssertInstance, overridingErrorMessage, overridingErrorMessage, satisfies, satisfies, satisfies, satisfiesAnyOf, satisfiesAnyOf, satisfiesAnyOfForProxy, satisfiesForProxy, setCustomRepresentation, setDescriptionConsumer, setPrintAssertionsDescription, throwAssertionError, usingComparator, usingComparator, usingDefaultComparator, usingRecursiveAssertion, usingRecursiveAssertion, usingRecursiveComparison, usingRecursiveComparison, withFailMessage, withFailMessage, withRepresentation, withThreadDumpOnError
      • Methods inherited from interface org.assertj.core.api.Descriptable

        as, as, as, describedAs, describedAs
    • Method Detail

      • isTestConfigObject

        public TestConfigAssert isTestConfigObject()
        Asserts that this object is an instance of TestConfig.
        this assertion
      • hasFlag

        public TestConfigAssert hasFlag​(boolean flag)
        Asserts that this config has a flag equal to the specified value.
        flag - expected flag
        this assertion
      • hasStringConfig

        public TestConfigAssert hasStringConfig​(String stringConfig)
        Asserts that this config has a string config equal to the specified value.
        stringConfig - expected string config
        this assertion
      • hasIntConfig

        public TestConfigAssert hasIntConfig​(int intConfig)
        Asserts that this config has an int config equal to the specified value.
        intConfig - expected int config
        this assertion