Tutorial 2: Create a Snowpark Container Services Job Service


After completing the Tutorial Common Setup, you are ready to create a job service. In this tutorial, you create a simple job service that connects to Snowflake, executes a SQL SELECT query, and saves the result to a table.

There are two parts to this tutorial:

Part 1: Create and test a job service. You download code provided for this tutorial and follow step-by-step instructions:

  1. Download the job service code for this tutorial.

  2. Build a Docker image for Snowpark Container Services, and upload the image to a repository in your account.

  3. Stage the service specification file, which gives Snowflake the container configuration information. In addition to the name of the image to use to start a container, the specification file specifies three arguments: a SELECT query, a virtual warehouse to execute the query, and the name of the table to save the result to.

  4. Execute the job service. Using the EXECUTE JOB SERVICE command, you can execute the job service by providing the specification file and the compute pool where Snowflake can run the container. And finally, verify the service results.

Part 2: Understand the job service code. This section provides an overview of the job service code and highlights how different components collaborate.