
Flat file

read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, *[, sep, ...])

Read csv file(s) into a Snowpark pandas DataFrame.

read_excel(io[, sheet_name, header, names, ...])

Read an Excel file into a Snowpark pandas DataFrame.

read_json(path_or_buf, *[, orient, typ, ...])

Read new-line delimited json file(s) into a Snowpark pandas DataFrame.

read_parquet(path[, engine, columns, ...])

Read parquet file(s) into a Snowpark pandas DataFrame.

read_sas(filepath_or_buffer, *[, format, ...])

Read SAS files stored as either XPORT or SAS7BDAT format files.


read_snowflake(name_or_query[, index_col, ...])

Read a Snowflake table or SQL Query to a Snowpark pandas DataFrame.

to_snowflake(obj, name[, if_exists, index, ...])

Save the Snowpark pandas DataFrame or Series as a Snowflake table.

to_snowpark(obj[, index, index_label])

Convert the Snowpark pandas DataFrame or Series to a Snowpark DataFrame.


to_pandas(obj, *[, statement_params])

Convert Snowpark pandas DataFrame or Series to pandas DataFrame or Series