- snowflake.snowpark.functions.map_contains_key(value: Union[Column, None, bool, int, float, str, bytearray, Decimal, date, datetime, time, bytes, NaTType, float64, list, tuple, dict], col: Union[Column, str])[source]¶
Determines whether the specified MAP contains the specified key.
- Parameters:
value – The key to find.
col – The map to be searched.
- Example 1::
>>> df = session.sql("select {'k1': 'v1'} :: MAP(STRING,STRING) as M, 'k1' as V") >>>"V"), "M")).show() ------------------------------------ |"MAP_CONTAINS_KEY(""V"", ""M"")" | ------------------------------------ |True | ------------------------------------
- Example 2::
>>> df = session.sql("select {'k1': 'v1'} :: MAP(STRING,STRING) as M") >>>"k1", "M")).show() ----------------------------------- |"MAP_CONTAINS_KEY('K1', ""M"")" | ----------------------------------- |True | -----------------------------------