Step 4. Copy data into the target tables

Execute COPY INTO <table> to load staged data into the target tables.


To load the data from the sample CSV files:

  1. Start by loading the data from one of the files (contacts1.csv.gz). Execute the following:

    COPY INTO mycsvtable
      FROM @my_csv_stage/contacts1.csv.gz
      FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME = mycsvformat)
      ON_ERROR = 'skip_file';


    • The FROM clause specifies the location of the staged data file (stage name followed by the file name).

    • The ON_ERROR clause specifies what to do when the COPY command encounters errors in the files. By default, the command stops loading data when the first error is encountered; however, we’ve instructed it to skip any file containing an error and move on to loading the next file. Note that this is just for illustration purposes; none of the files in this tutorial contain errors.

    The COPY command returns a result showing the name of the file copied and related information:

    | file                        | status | rows_parsed | rows_loaded | error_limit | errors_seen | first_error | first_error_line | first_error_character | first_error_column_name |
    | mycsvtable/contacts1.csv.gz | LOADED |           5 |           5 |           1 |           0 |        NULL |             NULL |                  NULL |                    NULL |
  2. Load the rest of the staged files in the mycsvtable table.

    The following example uses pattern matching to load data from all files that match the regular expression .*contacts[1-5].csv.gz into the mycsvtable table.

    COPY INTO mycsvtable
      FROM @my_csv_stage
      FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME = mycsvformat)
      ON_ERROR = 'skip_file';

    Where the PATTERN clause specifies that the command should load data from the filenames matching this regular expression (.*employees0[1-5].csv.gz).

    The COPY command returns a result showing the name of the file copied and related information:

    | file                        | status      | rows_parsed | rows_loaded | error_limit | errors_seen | first_error                                                                                                                                                          | first_error_line | first_error_character | first_error_column_name |
    | mycsvtable/contacts2.csv.gz | LOADED      |           5 |           5 |           1 |           0 | NULL                                                                                                                                                                 |             NULL |                  NULL | NULL                    |
    | mycsvtable/contacts3.csv.gz | LOAD_FAILED |           5 |           0 |           1 |           2 | Number of columns in file (11) does not match that of the corresponding table (10), use file format option error_on_column_count_mismatch=false to ignore this error |                3 |                     1 | "MYCSVTABLE"[11]        |
    | mycsvtable/contacts4.csv.gz | LOADED      |           5 |           5 |           1 |           0 | NULL                                                                                                                                                                 |             NULL |                  NULL | NULL                    |
    | mycsvtable/contacts5.csv.gz | LOADED      |           6 |           6 |           1 |           0 | NULL                                                                                                                                                                 |             NULL |                  NULL | NULL                    |

    Note the following highlights in the result:

    • The data in contacts1.csv.gz is ignored because you already loaded the data successfully.

    • The data in these files was loaded successfully: contacts2.csv.gz, contacts4.csv.gz, and contacts5.csv.gz.

    • The data in contacts3.csv.gz was skipped due to 2 data errors. The next step in this tutorial addresses how to validate and fix the errors.


Load the contacts.json.gz staged data file into the myjsontable table.

COPY INTO myjsontable
  FROM @my_json_stage/contacts.json.gz
  FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME = myjsonformat)
  ON_ERROR = 'skip_file';

The COPY command returns a result showing the name of the file copied and related information:

| file                         | status | rows_parsed | rows_loaded | error_limit | errors_seen | first_error | first_error_line | first_error_character | first_error_column_name |
| myjsontable/contacts.json.gz | LOADED |           3 |           3 |           1 |           0 |        NULL |             NULL |                  NULL |                    NULL |

Next: Step 5. Resolve data load errors