Step 1. Copy Data Into the Target Table

Execute COPY INTO <table> to load your staged data into the target RAW_SOURCE table.

COPY INTO raw_source
  FROM @my_stage/server/2.6/2016/07/15/15

The command copies all new data from the specified path on the external stage to the target RAW_SOURCE table. In this example, the specified path targets data written on the 15th hour (3 PM) of July 15th, 2016. Note that Snowflake checks each file’s S3 ETag value to ensure it is copied only once.

Execute a SELECT query to verify the data is copied successfully.

SELECT * FROM raw_source;

The query returns the following result:

| SRC                                                                               |
| {                                                                                 |
|   "device_type": "server",                                                        |
|   "events": [                                                                     |
|     {                                                                             |
|       "f": 83,                                                                    |
|       "rv": "15219.64,783.63,48674.48,84679.52,27499.78,2178.83,0.42,74900.19",   |
|       "t": 1437560931139,                                                         |
|       "v": {                                                                      |
|         "ACHZ": 42869,                                                            |
|         "ACV": 709489,                                                            |
|         "DCA": 232,                                                               |
|         "DCV": 62287,                                                             |
|         "ENJR": 2599,                                                             |
|         "ERRS": 205,                                                              |
|         "MXEC": 487,                                                              |
|         "TMPI": 9                                                                 |
|       },                                                                          |
|       "vd": 54,                                                                   |
|       "z": 1437644222811                                                          |
|     },                                                                            |
|     {                                                                             |
|       "f": 1000083,                                                               |
|       "rv": "8070.52,54470.71,85331.27,9.10,70825.85,65191.82,46564.53,29422.22", |
|       "t": 1437036965027,                                                         |
|       "v": {                                                                      |
|         "ACHZ": 6953,                                                             |
|         "ACV": 346795,                                                            |
|         "DCA": 250,                                                               |
|         "DCV": 46066,                                                             |
|         "ENJR": 9033,                                                             |
|         "ERRS": 615,                                                              |
|         "MXEC": 0,                                                                |
|         "TMPI": 112                                                               |
|       },                                                                          |
|       "vd": 626,                                                                  |
|       "z": 1437660796958                                                          |
|     }                                                                             |
|   ],                                                                              |
|   "version": 2.6                                                                  |
| }                                                                                 |

In this sample JSON data, there are two events. The device_type, and version key values identify a data source and version for events from a specific device.

Next: Step 2. Query Data