Class ResourceIngestionDefinition<I,​M,​C,​D>

  • Type Parameters:
    I - resource id class, containing properties which identify the resource in the source system
    M - resource metadata class, containing additional properties which identify the resource in the source system. The properties can be fetched automatically or calculated by the connector
    C - custom ingestion configuration class, containing custom ingestion properties
    D - destination configuration class, containing properties describing where the ingested data should be stored
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class ResourceIngestionDefinition<I,​M,​C,​D>
    extends Object
    Base class of a resource ingestion definition. It contains information about a resource present in a source system, and information about how the resource should be ingested.

    Implementation of this class has to meet the following criteria:

    • must contain a public, no-args constructor, which will be used during reflection-based deserialization process
    • type parameter classes must contain a public, no-args constructor, public getters, and setters which will be used during reflection-based serialization and deserialization processes

    A specific, uniquely identifying resource id class must always be specified. All other type parameters are used for additional, non-obligatory data and thus may be substituted by the EmptyImplementation class if not needed.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceIngestionDefinition

        public ResourceIngestionDefinition()
        Creates an empty ResourceIngestionDefinition.

        This constructor is used by the reflection-based mapping process and should not be used for any other purpose.

      • ResourceIngestionDefinition

        public ResourceIngestionDefinition​(String id,
                                           String name,
                                           boolean enabled,
                                           String parentId,
                                           I resourceId,
                                           M resourceMetadata,
                                           List<IngestionConfiguration<C,​D>> ingestionConfigurations)
        id - resource ingestion definition id
        name - resource name
        enabled - should the ingestion for the resource be enabled
        parentId - id of the parent definition
        resourceId - properties which identify the resource in the source system
        resourceMetadata - resource metadata
        ingestionConfigurations - ingestion configurations
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Returns the resource ingestion definition id.
        resource ingestion definition id
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the resource name.
        resource name
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Returns whether the ingestion for the resource is enabled.
        whether the ingestion for the resource is enabled
      • isDisabled

        public boolean isDisabled()
        Returns whether the ingestion for the resource is disabled.
        whether the ingestion for the resource is disabled
      • getParentId

        public String getParentId()
        Returns the id of the parent definition.
        id of the parent definition
      • getResourceId

        public I getResourceId()
        Returns the properties which identify the resource in the source system.
        properties which identify the resource in the source system
      • getResourceMetadata

        public M getResourceMetadata()
        Returns the resource metadata.
        resource metadata
      • getIngestionConfigurations

        public List<IngestionConfiguration<C,​D>> getIngestionConfigurations()
        Returns the ingestion configurations.
        ingestion configurations
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        Sets the resource ingestion definition id.
        id - resource ingestion definition id
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Sets the resource name.
        name - resource name
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether the ingestion for the resource is enabled.
        enabled - whether the ingestion for the resource is enabled
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled()
        Sets enabled flag to true
      • setDisabled

        public void setDisabled()
        Sets enabled flag to false
      • setParentId

        public void setParentId​(String parentId)
        Sets the id of the parent definition.
        parentId - id of the parent definition
      • setResourceId

        public void setResourceId​(I resourceId)
        Sets the properties which identify the resource in the source system.
        resourceId - properties which identify the resource in the source system
      • setResourceMetadata

        public void setResourceMetadata​(M resourceMetadata)
        Sets the resource metadata
        resourceMetadata - resource metadata
      • setIngestionConfigurations

        public void setIngestionConfigurations​(List<IngestionConfiguration<C,​D>> ingestionConfigurations)
        Sets the ingestion configurations.
        ingestionConfigurations - ingestion configurations
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object