Subquery operators

A subquery is a query within another query. Subquery operators perform operations on the values produced by subqueries.

Snowflake supports the following subquery operators:


The ALL and ANY keywords can be used to apply a comparison operator to the values produced by a subquery (which can return more than one row).


<expr> comparisonOperator { ALL | ANY } ( <query> )


comparisonOperator ::=
  { = | != | > | >= | < | <= }

Usage notes

  • The expression is compared with the operator for each value that the subquery returns:

    • If ALL is specified, then the result is TRUE if every row of the subquery satisfies the condition; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

    • If ANY is specified, then the result is TRUE if any row of the subquery satisfies the condition; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

  • ANY/ALL subqueries are currently supported only in a WHERE clause.

  • ANY/ALL subqueries can’t appear as an argument to an OR operator.

  • The subquery must contain only one item in its SELECT list.


Use a != ALL subquery to find the departments that have no employees:

SELECT department_id
  FROM departments d
  WHERE d.department_id != ALL (
    SELECT e.department_id
      FROM employees e);


An EXISTS subquery is a Boolean expression that can appear in a WHERE or HAVING clause, or in any function that operates on a Boolean expression:

  • An EXISTS expression evaluates to TRUE if any rows are produced by the subquery.

  • A NOT EXISTS expression evaluates to TRUE if no rows are produced by the subquery.


[ NOT ] EXISTS ( <query> )

Usage notes

  • Correlated EXISTS subqueries are currently supported only in a WHERE clause.

  • Correlated EXISTS subqueries cannot appear as an argument to an OR operator.

  • Uncorrelated EXISTS subqueries are supported anywhere that a Boolean expression is allowed.


Use a correlated NOT EXISTS subquery to find the departments that have no employees:

SELECT department_id
  FROM departments d
    SELECT 1
      FROM employees e
      WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id);

[ NOT ] IN

The IN and NOT IN operators check whether an expression is included in the values produced by a subquery.


<expr> [ NOT ] IN ( <query> )

Usage notes

  • IN is shorthand for = ANY, and is subject to the same restrictions as ANY subqueries.

  • NOT IN is shorthand for != ALL, and is subject to the same restrictions as ALL subqueries.

  • [NOT] IN can also be used as an operator in expressions that don’t involve a subquery. For details, see [ NOT ] IN.


Use a NOT IN subquery that is equivalent to the != ALL subquery example (earlier in this topic) to find the departments that have no employees:

SELECT department_id
  FROM departments d
  WHERE d.department_id NOT IN (
    SELECT e.department_id
      FROM employees e);