Class TaskReactorOnIngestionScheduledCallback<I,​M,​C,​D,​R extends ResourceIngestionDefinition<I,​M,​C,​D>>

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static <I,​M,​C,​D,​R extends ResourceIngestionDefinition<I,​M,​C,​D>> TaskReactorOnIngestionScheduledCallback<I,​M,​C,​D,​R> getInstance​(Session session,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Identifier taskReactorName,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Class<R> resourceClass)
        Returns a new instance of the default callback implementation.

        Default implementation of the creator uses:

        Type Parameters:
        I - resource id class, containing properties which identify the resource in the source system
        M - resource metadata class, containing additional properties which identify the resource in the source system. The properties can be fetched automatically or calculated by the connector
        C - custom ingestion configuration class, containing custom ingestion properties
        D - destination configuration class, containing properties describing where the ingested data should be stored
        R - ingested resource definition class
        session - Snowpark session object
        taskReactorName - task reactor instance name
        resourceClass - class of the ingested resource definition
        a new callback instance