Tutorial 2: Create and manage tasks


In this tutorial, you learn how to submit REST queries to create and manage tasks.



If you have already completed the steps in Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials, you can skip these prerequisites and proceed to the first step of this tutorial.

Before you start this tutorial, you must complete the common setup instructions, which includes the following steps:

  • Import the Snowflake REST APIs Postman collections.

  • Authenticate your connection by setting the bearer token in Postman.

After completing these prerequisites, you are ready to start using the API.

Create a warehouse

You can use the Warehouse API to create a Snowflake warehouse.

To create an extra small (xsmall) warehouse named demo_wh, send the following POST request to the /api/v2/warehouses endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, set the createMode parameter to errorIfExists, which ensures that you don’t unintentionally overwrite an existing warehouse.

  • In the Body tab, add the following code to the request body as shown.

      "name": "demo_wh",
      "warehouse_size": "xsmall"

For more information, see the Snowflake Warehouse API reference.

Create a task

You can use the Task API to create a Snowflake task.

To create a task, send a POST request to the /api/v2/databases/{database}/schemas/{schema}/tasks endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, set the createMode parameter to orReplace, and set the database and schema path variables to use the environment variables ({{default_db}} and {{default_schema}}) you set in the Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials tutorials.

  • In the Body tab, add the request body as shown.

      "name": "{{test_task_name}}",
      "definition": "SELECT 1",
      "warehouse": "{{default_wh}}",
      "schedule": {"minutes": 2, "schedule_type": "MINUTES_TYPE"},
      "config": {"consecteture": false, "sed_9": 61393640, "doloref3": -85761000},
      "commnent": "comment",
      "session_parameters": {
        "TIMEZONE": "America/Los Angeles",
        "AUTOMCOMMIT": true
      "error_integration": null,
      "user_task_managed_initial_warehouse_size": null,
      "predecessors": null,
      "task_auto_retry_attempts": 3,
      "user_task_timeout_ms": 10000,
      "suspend_task_after_num_failures": 3,
      "condition": true,
      "allow_overlapping_execution": false

For more information, see the Snowflake Task API reference.

Fetch a task

You can use the Task API to fetch a Snowflake task.

To fetch details about a task, send a GET request to the /api/v2/databases/{database}/schemas/{schema}/tasks endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, set the database, schema, and name path variables to use the environment variables ({{default_db}}, {{default_schema}}, and {{test_task_name}}) you set in the Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials tutorials.


For more information, see the Snowflake Task API reference.

List tasks

You can use the Task API to list Snowflake tasks.

To list all available tasks, send a GET request to the /api/v2/databases/{database}/schemas/{schema}/tasks endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, set the rootOnly parameter to false, and set the database and schema path variables to use the environment variables ({{default_db}} and {{default_schema}}) you set in the Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials tutorials.


For more information, see the Snowflake Task API reference.

Delete a task

You can use the Task API to delete a Snowflake task.

To delete a task, send a DELETE request to the /api/v2/databases/{database}/schemas/{schema}/tasks/{name} endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, set the database, schema, and name path variables to use the environment variables ({{default_db}}, {{default_schema}}, and {{test_task_name}}) you set in the Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials tutorials.


For more information, see the Snowflake Task API reference.

Execute a task

You can use the Task API to execute a Snowflake task.

To execute a task that will not retry if it fails, send a POST request to the /api/v2/databases/{database}/schemas/{schema}/tasks/{name}:execute endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, set the retryLast parameter to false, and set the database and schema path variables to use the environment variables ({{default_db}} and {{default_schema}}) you set in the Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials tutorials.


For more information, see the Snowflake Task API reference.

Complete graphs


This tutorial assumes your have a default warehouse defined.

You can use the Task API to return details for graph runs that have completed.

To return details for completed graph runs for a task, send a GET request to the /api/v2/databases/{database}/schemas/{schema}/tasks/{name}:execute endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, do the following:

    • Set the resultLimit and errorOnly query parameters to 5 and false, respectively.

    • Set the database, schema, and name path variables to use the environment variables ({{default_db}}, {{default_schema}}, and {{test_task_name}}) you set in the Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials tutorials.


For more information, see the Snowflake Task API reference.

Create a child task

You can use the Task API to create a child task for an existing Snowflake task.

To create a child task, send a POST request to the /api/v2/databases/{database}/schemas/{schema}/tasks endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, set the createMode parameter to orReplace, and set the database and schema path variables to use the environment variables ({{default_db}} and {{default_schema}}) you set in the Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials tutorials.

  • In the Body tab, add the request body as shown. The name parameter specifies the name of the child task and predecessors identifies the name of the parent task.

      "name": "test_child_task",
      "definition": "SELECT 1",
      "warehouse": "{{default_wh}}",
      "predecessors": "{{test_task_name}}"

For more information, see the Snowflake Task API reference.

Fetch a parent task’s dependent tasks


This tutorial assumes your have a default warehouse defined.

You can use the Task API to fetch a Snowflake task’s child (dependent) task.

To fetch details about a child (dependent) task, send a GET request to the /api/v2/databases/{database}/schemas/{schema}/tasks/{name}/dependents endpoint, as shown:

  • In the Params tab, set the recursive query parameter to true, and set the database, schema, and name path variables to use the environment variables ({{default_db}}, {{default_schema}}, and {{test_task_name}}) you set in the Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials tutorials.


    Note that the result includes both the parent task and its child task.

For more information, see the Snowflake Task API reference.

What’s next?

Congratulations! In this tutorial, you learned the fundamentals for managing Snowflake warehouse and task resources using the Snowflake REST APIs.


Along the way, you completed the following steps:

  • Create a warehouse.

  • Create a task.

  • Fetch a task.

  • Delete a task.

  • Execute task.

  • Complete graphs.

  • Create a child task.

  • Fetch a parent task’s dependent tasks.