class Session, database: str, name: str, default_warehouse: str, creation_mode: CreationMode = CreationMode.FAIL_IF_NOT_EXIST)

Bases: object

FeatureStore provides APIs to create, materialize, retrieve and manage feature pipelines.

Creates a FeatureStore instance.

  • session – Snowpark Session to interact with Snowflake backend.

  • database – Database to create the FeatureStore instance.

  • name – Target FeatureStore name, maps to a schema in the database.

  • default_warehouse – Default warehouse for feature store compute.

  • creation_mode – If FAIL_IF_NOT_EXIST, feature store throws when required resources not already exist; If CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, feature store will create required resources if they not already exist. Required resources include schema and tags. Note database must already exist in either mode.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] default_warehouse does not exist.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] Required resources not exist when mode is FAIL_IF_NOT_EXIST.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to find resources.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to create feature store.


delete_entity(name: str) None

Delete a previously registered Entity.


name – Entity name.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] Entity with given name not exists.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to alter schema or drop tag.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to find resources.

delete_feature_view(feature_view: FeatureView) None

Delete a FeatureView.


feature_view – FeatureView to delete.


SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] FeatureView is not registered.

generate_dataset(name: str, spine_df: DataFrame, features: List[Union[FeatureView, FeatureViewSlice]], version: Optional[str] = None, spine_timestamp_col: Optional[str] = None, spine_label_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, include_feature_view_timestamp_col: bool = False, desc: str = '', output_type: Literal['dataset'] = 'dataset') Dataset
generate_dataset(name: str, spine_df: DataFrame, features: List[Union[FeatureView, FeatureViewSlice]], output_type: Literal['table'], version: Optional[str] = None, spine_timestamp_col: Optional[str] = None, spine_label_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, include_feature_view_timestamp_col: bool = False, desc: str = '') DataFrame

Generate dataset by given source table and feature views.

  • name – The name of the Dataset to be generated. Datasets are uniquely identified within a schema by their name and version.

  • spine_df – The fact table contains the raw dataset.

  • features – A list of FeatureView or FeatureViewSlice which contains features to be joined.

  • version – The version of the Dataset to be generated. If none specified, the current timestamp will be used instead.

  • spine_timestamp_col – Name of timestamp column in spine_df that will be used to join time-series features. If spine_timestamp_col is not none, the input features also must have timestamp_col.

  • spine_label_cols – Name of column(s) in spine_df that contains labels.

  • exclude_columns – Column names to exclude from the result dataframe. The underlying storage will still contain the columns.

  • include_feature_view_timestamp_col – Generated dataset will include timestamp column of feature view (if feature view has timestamp column) if set true. Default to false.

  • desc – A description about this dataset.

  • output_type – The type of Snowflake storage to use for the generated training data.


If output_type is “dataset” (default), returns a Dataset object. If output_type is “table”, returns a Snowpark DataFrame representing the table.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] Dataset name/version already exists

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] Snapshot creation failed.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] Invalid output_type specified.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to create clone from table.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to find resources.

get_entity(name: str) Entity

Retrieve previously registered Entity object.


name – Entity name.


Entity object.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] Entity is not found.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to retrieve tag reference information.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to find resources.

get_feature_view(name: str, version: str) FeatureView

Retrieve previously registered FeatureView.

  • name – FeatureView name.

  • version – FeatureView version.


FeatureView object.


SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] FeatureView with name and version is not found, or incurred exception when reconstructing the FeatureView object.

list_entities() DataFrame

List all Entities in the FeatureStore.


Snowpark DataFrame containing the results.

list_feature_views(entity_name: Optional[str] = None, feature_view_name: Optional[str] = None) DataFrame

List FeatureViews in the FeatureStore. If entity_name is specified, FeatureViews associated with that Entity will be listed. If feature_view_name is specified, further reducing the results to only match the specified name.

  • entity_name – Entity name.

  • feature_view_name – FeatureView name.


FeatureViews information as a Snowpark DataFrame.

load_feature_views_from_dataset(ds: Dataset) List[Union[FeatureView, FeatureViewSlice]]

Retrieve FeatureViews used during Dataset construction.


ds – Dataset object created from feature store.


List of FeatureViews used during Dataset construction.


ValueError – if dataset object is not generated from feature store.

read_feature_view(feature_view: FeatureView) DataFrame

Read FeatureView data.


feature_view – FeatureView to retrieve data from.


Snowpark DataFrame(lazy mode) containing the FeatureView data.


SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] FeatureView is not registered.

register_entity(entity: Entity) Entity

Register Entity in the FeatureStore.


entity – Entity object to register.


A registered entity object.


SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to find resources.

register_feature_view(feature_view: FeatureView, version: str, block: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False) FeatureView

Materialize a FeatureView to Snowflake backend. Incremental maintenance for updates on the source data will be automated if refresh_freq is set. NOTE: Each new materialization will trigger a full FeatureView history refresh for the data included in the



… draft_fv = FeatureView(name=”my_fv”, entities=[entities], feature_df) registered_fv = fs.register_feature_view(feature_view=draft_fv, version=”v1”) …

  • feature_view – FeatureView instance to materialize.

  • version – version of the registered FeatureView. NOTE: Version only accepts letters, numbers and underscore. Also version will be capitalized.

  • block – Specify whether the FeatureView backend materialization should be blocking or not. If blocking then the API will wait until the initial FeatureView data is generated. Default to true.

  • overwrite – Overwrite the existing FeatureView with same version. This is the same as dropping the FeatureView first then recreate. NOTE: there will be backfill cost associated if the FeatureView is being continuously maintained.


A materialized FeatureView object.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] FeatureView entity has not been registered.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [ValueError] Warehouse or default warehouse is not specified.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to create dynamic table, task, or view.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to find resources.

resume_feature_view(feature_view: FeatureView) FeatureView

Resume a previously suspended FeatureView.


feature_view – FeatureView to resume.


A new feature view with updated status.

retrieve_feature_values(spine_df: DataFrame, features: Union[List[Union[FeatureView, FeatureViewSlice]], List[str]], spine_timestamp_col: Optional[str] = None, exclude_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, include_feature_view_timestamp_col: bool = False) DataFrame

Enrich spine dataframe with feature values. Mainly used to generate inference data input. If spine_timestamp_col is specified, point-in-time feature values will be fetched.

  • spine_df – Snowpark DataFrame to join features into.

  • features – List of features to join into the spine_df. Can be a list of FeatureView or FeatureViewSlice, or a list of serialized feature objects from Dataset.

  • spine_timestamp_col – Timestamp column in spine_df for point-in-time feature value lookup.

  • exclude_columns – Column names to exclude from the result dataframe.

  • include_feature_view_timestamp_col – Generated dataset will include timestamp column of feature view (if feature view has timestamp column) if set true. Default to false.


Snowpark DataFrame containing the joined results.


ValueError – if features is empty.

suspend_feature_view(feature_view: FeatureView) FeatureView

Suspend an active FeatureView.


feature_view – FeatureView to suspend.


A new feature view with updated status.

update_default_warehouse(warehouse_name: str) None

Update default warehouse for feature store.


warehouse_name – Name of warehouse.


SnowflakeMLException – If warehouse does not exists.

update_feature_view(name: str, version: str, refresh_freq: Optional[str] = None, warehouse: Optional[str] = None) FeatureView
Update a registered feature view.

Check for which fields are allowed to be updated after registration.

  • name – name of the FeatureView to be updated.

  • version – version of the FeatureView to be updated.

  • refresh_freq – updated refresh frequency.

  • warehouse – updated warehouse.


Updated FeatureView.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] If FeatureView is not managed and refresh_freq is defined.

  • SnowflakeMLException – [RuntimeError] Failed to update feature view.