Snowflake Connector for MySQL release notes

This topic provides release notes for the Snowflake Connector for MySQL. For additional information, see Snowflake connector for MySQL.

Version 6.5.0 (August 27th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • In continuous mode, the compute warehouse will now be able to suspend if there is no data to merge into destination tables.

  • Fixed agent failure when MySQL server enforces secure connection

Version 6.4.0 (August 15th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Corrected an issue where the connector could become stuck in a state where commands were not delivered to the agent.

Version 6.3.2 (July 15th, 2024)

Initial release of version 6.3.2.

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed handling of deleted columns in subsequent schema changes.

  • Fixed compute warehouse not suspending in scheduled mode.

  • Fixed validation of reserved column names to be case insensitive.

  • Fixed MySQL tables failing replication on huge transactions.

Version 6.3.0 (July 11th, 2024)

Initial release of version 6.3.0.

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

Not applicable.