Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® release notes


The Snowflake Connector For ServiceNow® version 1 has been deprecated and replaced by the V2 connector. For V2 release notes see the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® V2 Release Notes. For more information about V2, see Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow®.

This topic provides release notes for the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow®. For additional information, see Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow.

Version 4.21.1 (March 14th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Fix MERGE_INTO_SINK_TABLE task failing on a specific connector state and an empty event log table.

Version 4.21.0 (March 8th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

  • Add new procedure EXPORT_CONNECTOR_STATE() to export the connector’s state and configuration to be available to import in the GA version of the application.

Bug fixes

  • Add explicit timeout on the task creating flattened views.

Version 4.20.1 (December 20th, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug when reusing a destination database without necessary permissions. If the connector reused the destination database, for example the connector was reinstalled, lack of ownership on the tables in the destination database could have caused incorrect handling of the reused tables even if ownership on the tables was later granted.

  • CONNECTOR_STATS view correctly displays finished ingestion runs as DONE if the source table is empty.

Version 4.20.0 (November 30th, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • For incremental updates, in the case of a successful run, there is only a single DONE ingestion state.

  • Added SKIPPED ingestion state when an ingestion was skipped.

  • The EVENT_LOG table SYS_UPDATED_ON column is now populated with the raw date from ServiceNow instead of being formatted according to the TIMESTAMP_NTZ_OUTPUT_FORMAT account parameter.

New features

  • A new CONFIGURE_TABLES_RANGE_START procedure that allows the setting of a data range start time timestamp. This limits data ingestion during initial ingestion or reloads.

  • The ENABLED_TABLES view displays data range start times of tables as a UTC timestamp.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed various bugs when setting the TIMESTAMP_OUTPUT_FORMAT, TIMESTAMP_NTZ_OUTPUT_FORMAT, and TIMESTAMP_TZ_OUTPUT_FORMAT account parameters so that they cannot be parsed in AUTO format.

  • Fixed various bugs when setting the TIMESTAMP_INPUT_FORMAT account parameter for other than the default AUTO value.

  • Fixed the CREATE_VIEW_WITH_DISPLAY_VALUES procedure to correctly handle references invisible to the connector by not including them in the created view.

Version 4.19.0 (November 6th, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • The DONE ingestion state appears in CONNECTOR_RUNS_STATES, ENABLED_TABLES and TABLES_STATE only if fetched data has been merged into the sync table.

  • Use sys_created_on instead of sys_updated_on in the journal table. Ensure that you have access to the sys_created_on column in the sys_audit_delete table before upgrading to the newest version of the connector. If you encounter any problems, contact support.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Show NULL instead of SYSDATE() in the RUN_END_TIME column of the CONNECTOR_STATS view if the ingestion run is running.

  • The initial load is not started unnecessarily when restoring ingestion.

Version 4.18.0 (October 19, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • Removed the TOTAL_ROWS column in the CONNECTOR_STATS view.

  • Removed the ROW_COUNT column in the WORKER_STATE view.

  • Improved data ingestion speed by moving and merging updates and deletes from the event log into the sync table for an asynchronous task. Before the change the ingestion loop fetched the data, inserted it into the event log, and merged the updates into the sync table. The merging operation is typically long, so it can significantly reduce the throughput of the data ingestion. Asynchronous merging moves long operations into the background, which improves throughput. Performance gains can be limited by the performance of the ServiceNow instance.

  • Asynchronous merges now delay the appearance of the ingested data in the sync table. The data is immediately available in the event log, but the sync table is synced after the asynchronous merging completes. If the connector stops during data ingestion, the data in the sync table might be incomplete. Starting the connector resumes ingestion and syncs the data.

  • The ingestion state DONE in the CONNECTOR_RUNS_STATES and ENABLED_TABLES views now means that data is available in the event log table; but not necessarily in the sync table. Due to asynchronous merges, the sync table may take some time to sync. This behavior is subject to change in a future release.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the CREATE_VIEW_WITH_DISPLAY_VALUES procedure to correctly handle columns having SQL keywords as the name; for example, columns named GROUP or LIMIT.

  • Fixed the CREATE_VIEW_WITH_DISPLAY_VALUES procedure to correctly handle references invisible for the connector by not including them in the created view.

Version 4.17.1 (October 9, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Added validation of the supported cron values when configuring a table’s ingestion schedules.

  • Reduced the complexity of the query that searches for tables to be ingested.

  • Fixed an issue so that access validation on metadata tables does not fail if some of the rows are hidden.

  • Fixed an issue with timestamp formatting so that timestamps work correctly, even if the default timestamp format is changed on the account.

Version 4.17.0 (September 27, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

  • Initial load of data is now implemented using the INSERT command, instead of using the MERGE command.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue of the incorrect handling of the ServiceNow timestamp in a non-UTC time zone.

  • Reduced the number of lock timeouts when assigning workers to tables.

Version 4.16.0 (September 5, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • Tables with custom schedules are not ingested immediately after enabling. Instead, the initial load is performed at the scheduled ingestion time.

New features

  • Added garbage collecting mechanism for internal connector data to optimize the usage of the connector internal storage space.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue of the CREATE_VIEW_WITH_DISPLAY_VALUES procedure so that it does not reference non-VARIANT column when creating the view.

  • Fixed an issue so that the CONFIGURE_WAREHOUSE procedure does not resume reloading tasks when in the RELOADING_DISABLED state.

Version 4.15.0 (August 25, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • The SCHEDULE_INTERVAL column in the TABLES_STATE view and the value of the data_ingestion_schedule keys are now cron expressions.

  • Deleted the CURRENT_EPOCH column from the TABLES_STATE view.

New features

  • Added the CONFIGURE_TABLES_SCHEDULE procedure that enables setting both interval and custom schedules.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue of the CREATE_VIEW_WITH_DISPLAY_VALUES procedure to enable the creation of a display value view when several references point to the same table.

  • Reduced the number of deadlocks and eliminated the duplicated assignments when assigning workers to the tables.

  • Fixed issue of the CONNECTOR_STATS to show the correct count in the UPDATEDROWS column.

Version 4.14.0 (August 9, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • The SCHEDULE_INTERVAL column type in the TABLES_STATE view is changed to VARCHAR.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue of the logs in case of no access to the sys_table_rotation or journal tables to provide a more meaningful message.

  • Fixed issue of the PREFILL_CONFIG_TABLE procedure to filter out rows with empty or null table name.

  • Fixed destination schema validation to enable tables for more than 10000 columns in the schema.

  • Fixed issue of the references with the empty display_field or the reference_table attributes not skipped in the SHOW_REFERENCES_OF_TABLE procedure.

Version 4.13.0 (July 17, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

  • Added the CREATE_VIEW_WITH_DISPLAY_VALUES procedure which creates a view with display values. The newly created view is similar to the flattened table view, but the referenced columns are replaced with the values.

  • Added the DELETE_TABLE procedure which enables removing tables from config along with the ingestion history.

Bug fixes

Not applicable.

Version 4.12.0 (July 5, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • Tables in the RELOADING_CANCELLED state are now treated as enabled in the ENABLED_TABLES view.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue of the reloading tasks. Only the reloading tasks of the tables provided in the arguments of the ENABLED_TABLES and DISABLE_TABLES procedures are now resumed or suspended. Reloading tasks of the metadata tables are suspended when the last table is disabled, and resumed when the first table is enabled.

  • Fixed issue of the ENABLE_REFERENCED_TABLES to not throw the TypeError: Cannot read properties of null exception.

  • Fixed issue of a broken upgrade migration for version 4.11.0.

  • Fixed issue of the PREFILL_CONFIG_TABLE procedure to handle incorrect responses from ServiceNow.

  • Fixed issue of the START_CONNECTOR procedure to not resume tasks if all tables are disabled.

Version 4.11.0 (June 16, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • Empty views for tables that do not have metadata ingested are no longer created.

  • Truncate-and-load strategy populates the sys_id, last_update_date, and is_deleted columns in destination tables, and the sys_id event log tables.

New features


Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue of the CHECK_RECORD_HISTORY procedure to not use undocumented query parameter to filter rows by sys_id.

Version 4.10.0 (June 7, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

  • When the connector is started, the access to the required fields in the mandatory metadata tables is validated.

  • When the columns selected for ingestion of a specific table are changed, the flattened views are recreated.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue of the CHECK_RECORD_HISTORY to not accept an empty string for sys_id.

Version 4.9.0 (May 31, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

  • Added tableName property to the error response from GET_CONNECTION_STATUS in case of the FORBIDDEN status.

  • Added the ENABLE_TABLES_WITH_COLUMNS procedure which enables selecting table columns for ingestion. Flattened views display only the configured columns.

  • Added the ENABLE_TABLES and the DISABLE_TABLES procedures which accept the ARRAY type as an argument. The previous ENABLE_TABLES procedure, which accepted BOOLEAN as a second parameter, is deprecated.

  • The ENABLED_TABLES view displays the list of included columns.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue of the CHECK_RECORD_HISTORY to use proper query when searching for a specific sys_id in an audit table.

Version 4.8.0 (May 9, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New Features

  • It’s no longer possible to change the configuration of the metadata table using the CONFIGURE_CONNECTOR_TABLES procedure.

  • Added the SHOW_REFERENCES_OF_TABLE procedure which returns all of the references for a given table.

  • Improved view creation logging.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue to return the correct message instead of null upon calling the TOP_CONNECTOR procedure.

  • Fixed issue to not reduce page size and not retry requests on receiving a firewall error.

  • Fixed issue to improve handling invalid ServiceNow instance names.

Version 4.7.0 (April 7, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

  • Modified the schedule of metadata tables to use the lowest enabled table schedule.

Bug fixes

Not applicable.

Version 4.6.0 (March 31, 2023)

Behavior changes

  • The connector no longer grants itself access to tables created in destination schema. Instead, the connector uses table and view ownership to access tables in the destination schema.

New features

  • Added the PAGE_SIZE column to the ENABLED_TABLES view.

  • Modified the START_CONNECTOR stored procedure to return more detailed errors if the request to ServiceNow fails.

  • Modified the GET_STATUS stored procedure to return a message that email notification failed.

  • Added a monthly reminder to refresh the OAuth token used for email notification.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue to allow workers to pick more than one table per minute if started at the same time.

  • Fixed issue to prohibit table reload until destination and event log tables are created during the initial ingestion of the table.

  • Fixed issue to allow the connector to work with managed destination schema.

  • Fixed issue where old rows are marked as deleted in rotated tables even if journal table is not configured.

Version 4.5.0 (March 16, 2023)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Bug fixes

Not applicable.