Tutorial: Getting started with Budgets


This tutorial introduces you to account-level credit usage monitoring with Budgets by setting up the account budget and creating a custom budget that monitors a group of specified objects.

With budgets, you can monitor credit usage for the compute costs of supported objects, including credit usage for background maintenance tasks and serverless features. Budgets enables you to set a monthly spending limit for each budget and sends a notification email when your current spending is projected to exceed the monthly spending limit.

You can complete this tutorial using a worksheet in Snowsight or using a CLI client such as SnowSQL. Some portions of this tutorial can be completed using Snowsight.

By the end of this tutorial, you will learn how to to do the following:

  • Create custom roles to monitor and manage budgets.

  • Grant the required privileges to add objects to a custom budget.

  • Activate and set up an account budget.

  • Create a custom budget and add objects to it.


To complete this tutorial, the following prerequisites are required:

  • You must be able to use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to create the roles used in this tutorial.

  • You must verify your email address. Only verified email addresses can be added to a budget notification list.

Create a notification integration

Budgets use a notification integration to send notification emails when current credit usage is expected to exceed the monthly spending limit. The ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS list must include the verified email addresses of the users to receive budgets notifications.

A notification integration is required if you are completing the tutorial using SQL. Follow the steps below to create one.

When you use Snowsight to set up a budget, the notification integration is automatically created for you. If you are going to use Snowsight to set up your budgets, you can skip to the next step.

  1. Execute the following statement to create a notification integration. Use your verified email address in the ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS list:

    CREATE NOTIFICATION INTEGRATION budgets_notification_integration
  2. After you create the notification integration, grant the USAGE privilege to the SNOWFLAKE application. This privilege is required in order for Budgets to use the notification integration to send emails.

    Execute the following statement to grant the USAGE privilege on the notification integration:

    GRANT USAGE ON INTEGRATION budgets_notification_integration
      TO APPLICATION snowflake;

Create custom roles to manage, monitor, and create budgets

In this step, the following objects are created for the tutorial:

  • A custom role to manage the account budget.

  • A custom role to monitor the account budget.

  • A custom role to create custom budgets.

Create custom roles to manage, monitor, and create budgets

  1. Create custom role account_budget_admin for the account budget administrator. The account budget administrator can take the following actions on the account budget:

    • Activate and deactivate the account budget.

    • Set the spending limit.

    • Edit notification settings.

    • Monitor credit usage for the account.

    CREATE ROLE account_budget_admin;
  2. Create custom role account_budget_monitor to be granted to account budget monitors. An account budget monitor can take the following actions on the account budget:

    • Monitor credit usage for the account.

    • View the email notification settings.

    • View the monthly spending limit for the account.

    CREATE ROLE account_budget_monitor;
  3. Create a custom role custom_budget_owner with the required role and privileges to create custom budgets in the schema budgets_db.budgets_schema:

    CREATE ROLE budget_owner;
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE budgets_db TO ROLE budget_owner;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA budgets_db.budgets_schema TO ROLE budget_owner;
      TO ROLE budget_owner;
  4. Grant the account_budget_admin and custom_budget_owner roles to yourself to use in the next steps of the tutorial using the following steps:

    1. Grant the account_budget_admin role to yourself:

      GRANT ROLE account_budget_admin
        TO USER <USER_NAME>;
    2. Grant the custom_budget_owner role to yourself:

      GRANT ROLE custom_budget_owner
        TO USER <USER_NAME>;
  5. Create two custom roles to manage and monitor custom budgets. These roles will be granted privileges later in the tutorial after the custom budget is created.

    You can create new roles using the following steps:

    Create two custom roles for managing and monitoring custom budgets:

    USE ROLE accountadmin;
    CREATE ROLE budget_admin;
    CREATE ROLE budget_monitor;

In this section, you created custom roles to manage and monitor budgets, and create custom budgets.

Create the objects for the custom budget

In this step, create objects to add to a custom budget and grant privileges to the custom roles you created in the previous step. You will be creating the following objects:

  • A warehouse to add to a custom budget.

  • A database to add to a custom budget.

  • A database and schema to contain the custom budget.

  1. Create a warehouse and grant the APPLYBUDGET privilege on the warehouse to the custom budget owner role you created. The APPLYBUDGET privilege is required to add an object to a budget.

    1. Create warehouse na_finance_wh:

      CREATE WAREHOUSE na_finance_wh;
    2. Grant the APPLYBUDGET privilege on the warehouse to role custom_budget_owner:

      GRANT APPLYBUDGET ON WAREHOUSE na_finance_wh TO ROLE custom_budget_owner;
  2. Create a database and grant the APPLYBUDGET privilege on the warehouse to the custom budget owner role you created. The APPLYBUDGET privilege is required to add an object to a budget.

    1. Create a database:

      CREATE DATABASE na_finance_db;
    2. Grant the APPLYBUDGET privilege on the database to role custom_budget_owner:

      GRANT APPLYBUDGET ON DATABASE  na_finance_db TO ROLE custom_budget_owner;
  3. Create a database and schema in which to create a custom budget using the following steps:

    1. Create the database and schema in which to create the custom budget:

      CREATE DATABASE budgets_db;
      CREATE SCHEMA budgets_db.budgets_schema;
    2. After you create the database and schema for the custom budget, grant the USAGE privilege on the database you just created to the role custom_budget_owner. The USAGE privilege is required to enable the role to create a budget in the database:

      GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE budgets_db TO ROLE custom_budget_owner;
    3. Now grant the USAGE privilege on the schema you just created to the role custom_budget_owner. The USAGE privilege is required to enable the role to create a budget in the database:

      GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA budgets_db.budgets_schema TO ROLE custom_budget_owner;

In this section, you created the objects to be added to a custom budget and granted the APPLYBUDGET privilege required to add those objects to a budget. You also created the database and schema in which to create the custom budget and granted the USAGE privilege required to create a budget in the schema. Now you are ready to activate, create, and set up budgets.

Activate and set up the account budget

The account budget monitors credit usage for the compute costs of all Budgets supported objects in the account, including background maintenance tasks (for example, automatic clustering) and serverless features. The account budget must be activated before it can start monitoring credit usage. After it is activated, you can set the monthly spending limit for the account and the email list of notification recipients. Budgets sends a notification email when current credit usage is expected to exceed the monthly spending limit.

Activate and set up the account budget using the following steps:

  1. Use the account_budget_admin role you created in a previous step to activate the account budget:

    USE ROLE account_budget_admin;
    CALL snowflake.local.account_root_budget!ACTIVATE();
  2. Set the spending limit for the account budget to 500 credits per month:

    CALL snowflake.local.account_root_budget!SET_SPENDING_LIMIT(500);
  3. To set up the email notification list, use your verified email address and the notification integration you created earlier in the tutorial:

    CALL snowflake.local.account_root_budget!SET_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS(

In this section, you activated the account budget and set the spending limit and the email address to receive budget notifications.

Create a custom budget

Now that you have activated and set up your account budget, create a custom budget to monitor the credit usage in your account for a specified group of objects. For this tutorial, add the na_finance_wh warehouse and na_finance_db to the custom budget.

Create custom budgets with the following steps:

  1. Use the custom_budget_owner role to create budget na_finance_budget in budgets_db.budgets_schema:

    USE ROLE custom_budget_owner;
    USE SCHEMA budgets_db.budgets_schema;
    CREATE SNOWFLAKE.CORE.BUDGET na_finance_budget();
  2. Set the monthly spending limit to 500 credits:

    CALL na_finance_budget!SET_SPENDING_LIMIT(500);
  3. To set up the notification list, use your verified email address and the notification integration created in the first step of the tutorial:

    CALL na_finance_budget!SET_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS('budgets_notification_integration',
  4. Add database na_finance_db and warehouse na_finance_wh to budget na_finance_budget:

    USE SCHEMA budgets_db.budgets_schema;
    CALL na_finance_budget!ADD_RESOURCE(
      SYSTEM$REFERENCE('database', 'na_finance_db', 'SESSION', 'applybudget'));
    CALL na_finance_budget!ADD_RESOURCE(
      SYSTEM$REFERENCE('warehouse', 'na_finance_wh', 'SESSION', 'applybudget'));

In this section, you created a custom budget, added objects for the budget to monitor, and set up the email address to receive budget notifications.

Create custom roles to monitor and manage the custom budget

After you create the na_finance_budget budget, you can grant privileges on the budget to the custom roles you created in a previous step to manage and monitor the budget. These roles can be granted to users and roles to enable users who do not have the OWNERSHIP privilege on the budget to make changes to budget settings, or monitor credit usage, or both.

Grant privileges to the budget admin role

The budget admin role enables a user to take the following actions on a custom budget:

  • Modify the spending limit.

  • Modify the list of notification email recipients.

  • Monitor credit usage and view budget details.

  • Add or remove objects from the budget.

  • Mute or unmute notifications emails.

  1. Use the budget owner role to grant the custom role budget_admin the ability to monitor the budget na_finance_budget in schema budgets_db.budgets_schema:

    USE ROLE custom_budget_owner;
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE budgets_db TO ROLE budget_admin;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA budget_db.budgets_schema TO ROLE budget_admin;
      ROLE budgets_db.budgets_schema.na_finance_budget!ADMIN
      TO ROLE budget_admin;

Grant privileges to the budget monitor role

The budget monitor role enables a user to take the following actions on a custom budget:

  • View the list of objects in the budget.

  • View email notification settings.

  • Monitor credit usage.

  1. Use the budget owner role to grant the custom role budget_monitor the ability to monitor the budget na_finance_budget in schema budgets_db.budgets_schema:

    USE ROLE custom_budget_owner;
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE budgets_db TO ROLE budget_monitor;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA budget_db.budgets_schema TO ROLE budget_monitor;
    GRANT SNOWFLAKE.CORE.BUDGET ROLE budgets_db.budgets_schema.na_finance_budget!VIEWER
      TO ROLE budget_monitor;

In this section, you granted privileges to custom roles to enable them to manage or monitor the credit usage for a custom budget.

Monitoring credit usage

You have completed all the steps in the tutorial to activate your account budget, create a custom budget, and create custom roles to monitor and manage both account and custom budgets. Credit usage data for your budgets takes some time to populate.

Budgets uses serverless tasks to collect credit usage data for the budgets in your account. After you activate the account budget or create a custom budget, it takes a while for the serverless task to execute. After credit usage data becomes available, you can monitor credit usage for budgets using Snowsight.

Clean up, summary, and additional resources

Congratulations! You have successfully completed this tutorial.

After credit usage data is populated for your account budget and custom budget, see Monitoring budgets using Snowsight.

Summary and key points

In summary, you learned how to:

  • Create custom roles to manage and monitor budgets.

    Custome roles enable non-account administrators to monitor credit usage for a budget and modify budget settings. For more information, see Budgets roles and privileges.

  • Grant the required privileges to add objects to a custom budget.

    The APPLYBUDGET privilege must be granted on an object to add or remove it from a custom budget. Objects are added or removed by reference. For more information, see Adding and removing objects from a custom budget.

  • Activate and set up the account budget.

    The account budget must be activated and set up to start monitoring credit usage for your account. The account budget monitors compute costs including background maintenance tasks and serverless features and sends an email notification when current spending is expected to exceed the monthly spending limit.

    For more information, see Activating the account budget.

    For a list of supported objects and the serverless features monitored by Budgets, see Supported objects and Supported serverless features.

  • Create a custom budget to monitor a specified group of objects in your account.

    Custom budgets monitor credit usage for a group of objects in your account. Custom budgets monitor credit usage for compute costs for the objects in the group including background maintenance tasks and serverless features.

    For more information, see Creating a custom budget.

    For a list of supported objects and the serverless features monitored by custom budgets, see Supported objects and Supported serverless features.

Delete objects created in the tutorial

You can choose to keep the custom roles and custom budget you created in the tutorial to monitor credit usage. Otherwise, drop the budget and the related custom roles:

To delete the custom budget created in the tutorial, execute the following statement:

USE ROLE custom_budget_owner;

DROP SNOWFLAKE.CORE.BUDGET budgets_db.budgets_schema.na_finance_budget;

To delete the custom roles created for managing and monitoring the custom budget, execute the following statements:

USE ROLE accountadmin;

DROP ROLE custom_budget_monitor;
DROP ROLE custom_budget_admin;
DROP ROLE custom_budget owner;

Snowflake recommends leaving the account budget activated. However, if you decide to deactivate it, see Deactivating the account budget for more information and instructions.

To delete the account budget monitor and administrator roles, execute the following statements:

USE ROLE accountadmin;

DROP ROLE account_budget_monitor;
DROP ROLE account_budget_admin;

Additional resources

Continue learning about budgets and Snowflake using the following resources: