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FileOperation.put(local_file_name: str, stage_location: str, *, parallel: int = 4, auto_compress: bool = True, source_compression: str = 'AUTO_DETECT', overwrite: bool = False, statement_params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) List[PutResult][source]

Uploads local files to the stage.

References: Snowflake PUT command.


>>> # Create a temp stage.
>>> _ = session.sql("create or replace temp stage mystage").collect()
>>> # Upload a file to a stage.
>>> put_result = session.file.put("tests/resources/t*.csv", "@mystage/prefix1")
>>> put_result[0].status
  • local_file_name – The path to the local files to upload. To match multiple files in the path, you can specify the wildcard characters * and ?.

  • stage_location – The stage and prefix where you want to upload the files.

  • parallel

    Specifies the number of threads to use for uploading files. The upload process separates batches of data files by size:

    • Small files (< 64 MB compressed or uncompressed) are staged in parallel as individual files.

    • Larger files are automatically split into chunks, staged concurrently, and reassembled in the target stage. A single thread can upload multiple chunks.

    Increasing the number of threads can improve performance when uploading large files. Supported values: Any integer value from 1 (no parallelism) to 99 (use 99 threads for uploading files).

  • auto_compress – Specifies whether Snowflake uses gzip to compress files during upload.

  • source_compression – Specifies the method of compression used on already-compressed files that are being staged. Values can be ‘AUTO_DETECT’, ‘GZIP’, ‘BZ2’, ‘BROTLI’, ‘ZSTD’, ‘DEFLATE’, ‘RAW_DEFLATE’, ‘NONE’.

  • overwrite – Specifies whether Snowflake will overwrite an existing file with the same name during upload.

  • statement_params – Dictionary of statement level parameters to be set while executing this action.


A list of PutResult instances, each of which represents the results of an uploaded file.