Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® V2 release notes

This topic provides release notes for the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® V2. For additional information, see Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow.

Version 5.8.0 (July 23rd 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

  • The row_filter field in ENABLE_TABLE procedure now accepts arbitrary number of whitespace characters in filtering expression rather than allowing only single space between expression elements.

    For more information see Enabling a single table using custom configuration.

Bug fixes

  • During table reload row filter and column filtering now taken into account.

  • Row filter now works as expected for tables without a sys_updated_on column

Version 5.7.0 (July 11th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Procedures CHECK_ROW_COUNT, ENABLE_TABLE (without custom configuration parameters) and SHOW_REFERENCES_OF_TABLE can now be called in a user-owned task.

Bug fixes

Not applicable.

Version 5.6.0 (July 5th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Row filtering is now available. Row filtering supports the filtering of ingested table rows based on conditions evaluated against table columns. The row filtering condition is set using the ENABLE_TABLE procedure.

For more information see Enabling a single table using custom configuration in Setting Up data ingestion for your ServiceNow® data.

Bug fixes

Improve performance of the migration script from prior version.

Version 5.5.1 (June 28th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable

Bug fixes

Improve performance of the migration script from prior version.

Version 5.5.0 (June 24th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Add a default way to obtain the schema of a table when starting its ingestion. This should help in a scenario where the connector couldn’t start to ingest a table because of ACLs met on the first ingested row.

Bug fixes

  • Fix RUN_HEALTHCHECK as it sometimes could fail to send the connector’s status in a specific scenario.

Version 5.4.0 (June 10th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Change endpoint for fetching schema of the table. From version 5.4.0 and later, the ADMIN role in ServiceNow® is no longer required to use CREATE_VIEW_WITH_DISPLAY_VALUES, SHOW_REFERENCES_OF_TABLE and ENABLE_TABLE (when using column filtering) procedures.

Bug fixes

From version 5.4.0 and later, new event log table DELETE events include the RAW column, which is set to a value from the newest update event instead of the first insert event. Previously existing event log table events remain unchanged.

Version 5.3.0 (May 17th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

Fix handling the null value of the journal_table property in the object passed to the FINALIZE_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION procedure. The journal_table parameter can now also be skipped.

Version 5.2.0 (May 10th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

Add optional table_name and sys_id arguments to FINALIZE_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION to help in journal table validation.

Bug fixes

  • Improve URL validation in SET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION to support custom ServiceNow® domains.

Version 5.1.0 (April 29th, 2024)

Behavior changes

Not applicable.

New features

max_sys_created_on argument in CHECK_ROW_COUNT procedure now defaults to NULL.

Bug fixes

  • Don’t start healthcheck reporting if the configuration hasn’t successfully completed.

  • Fix SHOW_REFERENCES_OF_TABLE to include self-references of a given table in returned value.

  • Fix CREATE_VIEW_WITH_DISPLAY_VALUES to handle situation when table references itself.

Version 5.0.0 (April 23rd, 2024)

Initial release with version 5.0.0.

Behavior changes

  • External function making API calls to ServiceNow® are replaced with external access.

  • Signatures and behavior of many procedures changed. Division of responsibility can be checked in the below table:

Prior procedure

New procedure


Several specialized procedures CONFIGURE_*.






Several procedures to install the app when using worksheets.















  • Procedures return an object with response_code property. The procedure result with an optional error reason is displayed directly in the response.

  • Signatures and behavior of several views changed. Division of responsibility can be checked in the below table:

    Prior view

    New view




    Included in GET_TROUBLESHOOTING_DATA procedure.




New features

Not applicable.

Bug fixes

Not applicable.