Lists all user-defined functions (UDFs) for which you have access privileges. This command can be used to list the UDFs for a specified database or schema (or the current database/schema for the session), or across your entire account.
- See also:
FUNCTIONS view (Information Schema)
[ IN
DATABASE <database_name> |
SCHEMA <schema_name> |
APPLICATION <application_name> |
APPLICATION PACKAGE <application_package_name> |
LIKE 'pattern'
Optionally filters the command output by object name. The filter uses case-insensitive pattern matching, with support for SQL wildcard characters (
).For example, the following patterns return the same results:
... LIKE '%testing%' ...
... LIKE '%TESTING%' ...
. Default: No value (no filtering is applied to the output).
[ IN ... ]
Optionally specifies the scope of the command. Specify one of the following:
Returns records for the entire account.
, .DATABASE db_name
Returns records for the current database in use or for a specified database (
).If you specify
and no database is in use, the keyword has no effect on the output.SCHEMA
, .SCHEMA schema_name
Returns records for the current schema in use or a specified schema (
is optional if a database is in use or if you specify the fully qualifiedschema_name
(for example,db.schema
).If no database is in use, specifying
has no effect on the output.
APPLICATION application_name
, .APPLICATION PACKAGE application_package_name
Returns records for the named Snowflake Native App or application package.
Default: Depends on whether the session currently has a database in use:
is the default (that is, the command returns the objects you have privileges to view in the database).No database:
is the default (that is, the command returns the objects you have privileges to view in your account).
Usage notes¶
Columns that start with the prefix
return eitherY
(yes) orN
(no).The command does not require a running warehouse to execute.
The command returns a maximum of 10K records for the specified object type, as dictated by the access privileges for the role used to execute the command; any records above the 10K limit are not returned, even with a filter applied.
To view results for which more than 10K records exist, query the corresponding view (if one exists) in the Snowflake Information Schema.
To post-process the output of this command, you can use the RESULT_SCAN function, which treats the output as a table that can be queried.
The command output provides user function properties and metadata in the following columns:
Column |
Description |
The timestamp at which the user-defined function (UDF) was created. |
The name of the UDF. |
The name of the schema in which the UDF exists. |
Whether the UDF is built-in (always false for UDFs). |
True if the UDF is an aggregate function; false otherwise. |
Not applicable currently. |
The minimum number of arguments to the UDF. |
The maximum number of arguments to the UDF. |
The data types of the arguments and of the return value. |
Description of the UDF. |
The name of the database in which the UDF exists. |
True if the UDF is a table function; false otherwise. |
True if the UDF can be used in a CLUSTER BY expression; false otherwise. |
True if the UDF is a secure UDF; false otherwise. |
Y (yes) if the function is an external function, N (no) otherwise. |
Specifies the language of the UDF (e.g. SQL). |
Y (yes) if the function is memoizable, N (no) otherwise. |
Y (is) if the function is a data metric function, N (no) otherwise. |
Show all the UDFs that you have privileges to view in the current database:
show user functions like 'ALLOWED_REGIONS%' in schema; ---------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------+------------+--------------+---------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------+---------------+ created_on | name | schema_name | is_builtin | is_aggregate | is_ansi | min_num_arguments | max_num_arguments | arguments | description | catalog_name | is_table_function | valid_for_clustering | is_secure | is_external_function | language | is_memoizable | ---------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------+------------+--------------+---------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------+---------------+ Fri, 23 Jun 1967 00:00:00 -0700 | ALLOWED_REGIONS | SCH | N | N | N | 0 | 0 | ALLOWED_REGIONS() RETURN ARRAY | user-defined function | MEMO_FUNC_TEST | N | N | N | N | SQL | Y | Fri, 23 Jun 1967 00:00:00 -0700 | ALLOWED_REGIONS_NON_MEMO | SCH | N | N | N | 0 | 0 | ALLOWED_REGIONS_NON_MEMO() RETURN ARRAY | user-defined function | MEMO_FUNC_TEST | N | N | N | N | SQL | N | ---------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------+------------+--------------+---------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------------+-----------+----------------------+----------+---------------+