
class snowflake.core.notebook.NotebookResource(name: str, collection: NotebookCollection)¶

Bases: SchemaObjectReferenceMixin[NotebookCollection]

Represents a reference to a Snowflake notebook.

With this notebook reference, you can fetch information about notebooks, as well as perform certain actions on them: renaming, executing, committing, and managing versions.




add_live_version(from_last: bool | None = None, comment: str | None = None) → None¶

Add a LIVE version to the notebook.

The LIVE version is the version that runs when the notebook is executed.

  • from_last (bool, optional) – If True, the LIVE version is set to the LAST version of the notebook. The default is None, which is equivalent to False.

  • comment (str, optional) – An optional comment to for the version of the notebook.


Adding a LIVE version to this notebook using its reference:

>>> notebook_reference.add_live_version(from_last=True,
...                                     comment="new live version")
add_live_version_async(from_last: bool | None = None, comment: str | None = None) → PollingOperation[None]¶

An asynchronous version of add_live_version().

Refer to PollingOperation for more information on asynchronous execution and the return type.

commit(version: str | None = None, comment: str | None = None) → None¶

Commit the LIVE version of the notebook to the Git.

If a Git connection is set up for the notebook, commits the LIVE version of the notebook to the Git repository.

If no Git repository is set up for the notebook, running this command sets the LIVE version to null and increments the auto-generated version alias.

  • version (str, optional) – The alias of the version of the notebook that you want to commit. The default is None, which is equivalent to "LIVE".

  • comment (str, optional) – An optional comment to add to the commit.


Committing a notebook using its reference:

>>> notebook_reference.commit(version="prod-1.1.0",
...                           comment="prod release 1.1.0")
commit_async(version: str | None = None, comment: str | None = None) → PollingOperation[None]¶

An asynchronous version of commit().

Refer to PollingOperation for more information on asynchronous execution and the return type.

drop(if_exists: bool = False) → None¶

Drop this notebook.


if_exists (bool, optional) – If True, does not throw an exception if the notebook does not exist. The default is False.


Deleting a notebook using its reference:

>>> notebook_reference.drop()

Using a notebook reference to delete a notebook if it exists:

>>> notebook_reference.drop(if_exists=True)
drop_async(if_exists: bool = False) → PollingOperation[None]¶

An asynchronous version of drop().

Refer to PollingOperation for more information on asynchronous execution and the return type.

execute() → None¶

Execute this notebook.


Executing a notebook using its reference:

>>> notebook_reference.execute()
execute_async() → PollingOperation[None]¶

An asynchronous version of execute().

Refer to PollingOperation for more information on asynchronous execution and the return type.

fetch() → Notebook¶

Fetch the details of a notebook resource.


Fetching a notebook using its reference:

>>> notebook = notebook_reference.fetch()
>>> print(, notebook.comment)
fetch_async() → PollingOperation[Notebook]¶

An asynchronous version of fetch().

Refer to PollingOperation for more information on asynchronous execution and the return type.

rename(target_name: str, target_database: str | None = None, target_schema: str | None = None, if_exists: bool | None = None) → None¶

Rename this notebook.

  • target_name (str) – The new name of the notebook

  • target_database (str, optional) – The new database name of the notebook. If not provided, the current database name is used. The default is None.

  • target_schema (str, optional) – The new schema name of the notebook. If not provided, the current schema name is used. The default is None.

  • if_exists (bool, optional) – Whether to check for the existence of notebook before renaming. The default is None, which is equivalent to False.


Renaming this notebook using its reference:

>>> notebook_reference.rename("my_other_notebook")

Renaming this notebook if it exists:

>>> notebook_reference.rename("my_other_notebook", if_exists = True)
rename_async(target_name: str, target_database: str | None = None, target_schema: str | None = None, if_exists: bool | None = None) → PollingOperation[None]¶

An asynchronous version of rename().

Refer to PollingOperation for more information on asynchronous execution and the return type.