
class snowflake.core.task.TaskCollection(schema: SchemaResource)¶

Bases: SchemaObjectCollectionParent[TaskResource]

Represents the collection operations of the Snowflake Task resource.

With this collection, you can create, iterate through, and search for task that you have access to in the current context.


>>> task_collection = root.databases["mydb"].schemas["myschema"].tasks
>>> task = Task(
...     name="mytask",
...     definition="select 1"
... )
>>> task_collection.create(task)




create(task: Task, *, mode: CreateMode = CreateMode.error_if_exists) → TaskResource¶

Create a task in Snowflake.

  • task (an instance of Task.)

  • mode (CreateMode, optional) –

    One of the following strings.

    CreateMode.error_if_exists: Throw an snowflake.core.exceptions.ConflictError if the task already exists in Snowflake. Equivalent to SQL create task <name> ....

    CreateMode.or_replace: Replace if the task already exists in Snowflake. Equivalent to SQL create or replace task <name> ....

    CreateMode.if_not_exists: Do nothing if the task already exists in Snowflake. Equivalent to SQL create task <name> if not exists...

    Default value is CreateMode.error_if_exists.


Creating a task in Snowflake and getting a reference to it:

>>> task_parameters = Task(
...     name="mytask",
...     definition="select 1"
... )
>>> # Use the task collection created before to create a reference to the task resource
>>> # in Snowflake.
>>> task_reference = task_collection.create(task_parameters)
create_async(task: Task, *, mode: CreateMode = CreateMode.error_if_exists) → PollingOperation[TaskResource]¶

An asynchronous version of create().

Refer to PollingOperation for more information on asynchronous execution and the return type.

items() → ItemsView[str, T]¶
iter(*, like: str | None = None, starts_with: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, from_name: str | None = None, root_only: bool = False) → Iterator[Task]¶

Iterate through Task objects in Snowflake, filtering on any optional like pattern.

  • like (str, optional) – A case-insensitive string functioning as a filter, with support for SQL wildcard characters (% and _).

  • starts_with (str, optional) – String used to filter the command output based on the string of characters t

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit of the maximum number of rows returned by iter(). The default is None, which behaves equivalently to show_limit=10000. This value must be between 1 and 10000.

  • from_name (str, optional) – Fetch rows only following the first row whose object name matches the specified string. This is case-sensitive and does not have to be the full name.

  • root_only (bool, optional) – Look for root tasks only. Default is False.


Showing all tasks that you have access to see:

>>> tasks = task_collection.iter()

Showing information of the exact task you want to see:

>>> tasks = task_collection.iter(like="your-task-name")

Showing tasks starting with ‘your-task-name-‘:

>>> tasks = task_collection.iter(like="your-task-name-%")

Using a for loop to retrieve information from iterator:

>>> for task in tasks:
...     print(, task.comment)
iter_async(*, like: str | None = None, starts_with: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, from_name: str | None = None, root_only: bool = False) → PollingOperation[Iterator[Task]]¶

An asynchronous version of iter().

Refer to PollingOperation for more information on asynchronous execution and the return type.

keys() → KeysView[str]¶
values() → ValuesView[T]¶