
class snowflake.core.user_defined_function.UserDefinedFunctionCollection(schema: SchemaResource)¶

Bases: SchemaObjectCollectionParent[UserDefinedFunctionResource]

Represents the collection operations on the Snowflake User Defined Function resource.

With this collection, you can create, iterate through, and fetch user defined functions that you have access to in the current context.


Creating a user defined function instance of python language:

>>> user_defined_functions.create(
...     UserDefinedFunction(
...         name="my_python_function",
...         arguments=[],
...         return_type=ReturnDataType(datatype="VARIANT"),
...         language_config=PythonFunction(runtime_version="3.8", packages=[], handler="udf"),
...         body='''
... def udf():
...     return {"key": "value"}
...             ''',
...     )
... )




create(user_defined_function: UserDefinedFunction, *, mode: CreateMode = CreateMode.error_if_exists, copy_grants: bool | None = False) → UserDefinedFunctionResource¶

Create a user defined function in Snowflake.

  • user_defined_function (UserDefinedFunction) –

    The details of UserDefinedFunction object, together with UserDefinedFunction’s properties:

    name , arguments, return_type, language_config; body, comment, is_secure, is_memoizable, is_aggregate, is_temporary are optional.

  • copy_grants (bool, optional) – Whether to enable copy grants when creating the object. Default is False.

  • mode (CreateMode, optional) –

    One of the below enum values.

    CreateMode.error_if_exists: Throw an snowflake.core.exceptions.ConflictError if the user defined function already exists in Snowflake. Equivalent to SQL create function <name> ....

    CreateMode.or_replace: Replace if the user defined function already exists in Snowflake. Equivalent to SQL create or replace function <name> ....

    CreateMode.if_not_exists: Do nothing if the user defined function already exists in Snowflake. Equivalent to SQL create function <name> if not exists...

    Default value is CreateMode.error_if_exists.


Creating a user defined function instance of python language:

>>> user_defined_functions.create(
...     UserDefinedFunction(
...         name="my_python_function",
...         arguments=[],
...         return_type=ReturnDataType(datatype="VARIANT"),
...         language_config=PythonFunction(runtime_version="3.8", packages=[], handler="udf"),
...         body='''
... def udf():
...     return {"key": "value"}
...             ''',
...     )
... )

Creating a user defined function instance of java language:

>>> function_body = '''
... class TestFunc {
...     public static String echoVarchar(String x) {
...         return x;
...     }
... }
... '''
>>> user_defined_functions.create(
...     UserDefinedFunction(
...         name="my_java_function",
...         arguments=[Argument(name="x", datatype="STRING")],
...         return_type=ReturnDataType(datatype="VARCHAR", nullable=True),
...         language_config=JavaFunction(
...             handler="TestFunc.echoVarchar",
...             runtime_version="11",
...             target_path="@~/my_java.jar",
...             packages=[],
...             called_on_null_input=True,
...             is_volatile=True,
...         ),
...         body=function_body,
...         comment="test_comment",
...     )
... )

Creating a user defined function instance of javascript language:

>>> function_body = '''
...     if (D <= 0) {
...         return 1;
...     } else {
...         var result = 1;
...         for (var i = 2; i <= D; i++) {
...             result = result * i;
...         }
...         return result;
...     }
... '''
>>> user_defined_function_created = user_defined_functions.create(
...     UserDefinedFunction(
...         name="my_js_function",
...         arguments=[Argument(name="d", datatype="DOUBLE")],
...         return_type=ReturnDataType(datatype="DOUBLE"),
...         language_config=JavaScriptFunction(),
...         body=function_body,
...     )
... )

Creating a user defined function instance of scala language:

>>> function_body = '''
...     class Echo {
...         def echoVarchar(x : String): String = {
...             return x
...         }
...     }
... '''
>>> user_defined_function_created = user_defined_functions.create(
...     UserDefinedFunction(
...         name="my_scala_function",
...         arguments=[Argument(name="x", datatype="VARCHAR")],
...         return_type=ReturnDataType(datatype="VARCHAR"),
...         language_config=ScalaFunction(
...             runtime_version="2.12", handler="Echo.echoVarchar", target_path="@~/my_scala.jar", packages=[]
...         ),
...         body=function_body,
...         comment="test_comment",
...     )
... )

Creating a user defined function instance of sql language:

>>> function_body = '''
...     SELECT 1, 2
...     UNION ALL
...     SELECT 3, 4
... '''
>>> user_defined_function_created = user_defined_functions.create(
...     UserDefinedFunction(
...         name="my_sql_function",
...         arguments=[],
...         return_type=ReturnTable(
...             column_list=[ColumnType(name="x", datatype="INTEGER"), ColumnType(name="y", datatype="INTEGER")]
...         ),
...         language_config=SQLFunction(),
...         body=function_body,
...     )
... )
items() → ItemsView[str, T]¶
iter(*, like: str | None = None) → Iterator[UserDefinedFunction]¶

Iterate through UserDefinedFunction objects from Snowflake, filtering on any optional ‘like’ pattern.


like (str, optional) – A case-insensitive string functioning as a filter, with support for SQL wildcard characters (% and _).


Showing all user defined functions that you have access to see:

>>> user_defined_functions = user_defined_function_collection.iter()

Showing information of the exact user defined function you want to see:

>>> user_defined_functions = user_defined_function_collection.iter(like="your-user-defined-function-name")

Showing user defined functions starting with ‘your-user-defined-function-name-‘:

>>> user_defined_functions = user_defined_function_collection.iter(like="your-user-defined-function-name-%")

Using a for loop to retrieve information from iterator:

>>> for user_defined_function in user_defined_functions:
...     print(
keys() → KeysView[str]¶
values() → ValuesView[T]¶