Lists the machine learning models that you have privileges to access.

The output returns table metadata and properties, ordered lexicographically by database, schema, and model name (see Output in this topic for descriptions of the output columns). This is important to note if you wish to filter the results using the provided filters.

See also:



SHOW MODELS [ LIKE '<pattern>' ]
            [ IN { DATABASE [ <db_name> ] | SCHEMA [ <schema_name> ] } ]


LIKE 'pattern'

Optionally filters the command output by object name. The filter uses case-insensitive pattern matching, with support for SQL wildcard characters (% and _).

For example, the following patterns return the same results:

... LIKE '%testing%' ...
... LIKE '%TESTING%' ...

. Default: No value (no filtering is applied to the output).

IN DATABASE [ db_name ] | SCHEMA [ schema_name ]

Optionally specifies the scope of the command, which determines whether the command lists models only in the current/specified database or schema.

If you specify the keyword ACCOUNT, then the command retrieves records for all schemas in all databases of the current account.

If you specify the keyword DATABASE, then:

  • If you specify a db_name, then the command retrieves records for all schemas of the specified database.

  • If you do not specify a db_name, then:

    • If there is a current database, then the command retrieves records for all schemas in the current database.

    • If there is no current database, then the command retrieves records for all databases and schemas in the account.

If you specify the keyword SCHEMA, then:

  • If you specify a qualified schema name (e.g. my_database.my_schema), then the command retrieves records for the specified database and schema.

  • If you specify an unqualified schema_name, then:

    • If there is a current database, then the command retrieves records for the specified schema in the current database.

    • If there is no current database, then the command displays the error SQL compilation error: Object does not exist, or operation cannot be performed.

  • If you do not specify a schema_name, then:

    • If there is a current database, then:

      • If there is a current schema, then the command retrieves records for the current schema in the current database.

      • If there is no current schema, then the command retrieves records for all schemas in the current database.

    • If there is no current database, then the command retrieves records for all databases and all schemas in the account.

Default: Depends on whether the session currently has a database in use:

  • Database: DATABASE is the default (i.e. the command returns the models you have privileges to view in the current database).

  • No database: Account scope is the default (i.e. the command returns the models you have privileges to view in your account).


The command output provides table properties and metadata in the following columns:




Date and time when the model was created.


Name of the model.


The type of the model, either USER_MODEL for models that contain user code, or CORTEX_FINETUNED for models created with Cortex Fine-tuning


Database in which the model is stored.


Schema in which the model is stored.


Role that owns the model.


Comment for the model.


JSON array listing versions of the model.


Version of the model used when referring to the model without a version.


A SQL object mapping model version aliases to the corresponding model version name.

Usage notes

Results are sorted by database name, schema name, and then model name. This means results for a database can contain models from multiple schemas and might break pagination. In order for pagination to work as expected, you must execute the SHOW MODELS statement for a single schema. You can use the IN SCHEMA schema_name parameter to the SHOW MODELS command. Alternatively, you can use the schema in the current context by executing a USE SCHEMA schema_name before executing SHOW MODELS.