
class snowflake.core.task.dagv1.DAGTask(name: str, definition: str | Callable[[...], Any] | StoredProcedureCall, *, condition: str | None = None, warehouse: str | None = None, session_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, user_task_managed_initial_warehouse_size: str | None = None, target_completion_interval: timedelta | None = None, serverless_task_min_statement_size: str | None = None, serverless_task_max_statement_size: str | None = None, user_task_timeout_ms: int | None = None, error_integration: str | None = None, comment: str | None = None, is_finalizer: bool | None = None, is_serverless: bool = False, dag: DAG | None = None)¶

Bases: object

Represents a child Task of a task graph.

A child task has a subset of properties of snowflake.core.task.Task. For instance, it doesn’t have schedule because it’s triggered after the predecessors are finished.

  • is_finalizer (bool, optional) – Whether this child task is a finalizer task for the DAG.

  • is_serverless (bool) – Whether the child task is serverless. If set, no warehouse can be specified for the task. If not set and no warehouse is specified for the child Task, then the warehouse setting is inherited from the root Task. This means that if both the child Task and its DAG do not have a warehouse specified then the child Task will be created as serverless even if is_serverless is set to False. Default is False.

  • dag (DAG, optional) – The DAG this child Task belong to.

Refer to snowflake.core.task.Task for the details of the remaining properties.



Return the DAG of this task.


The full name of the child task.


Return the predecessors of the Task.


add_predecessors(other: DAGTask | Iterable[DAGTask | Callable[[Session], str | None]] | Callable[[Session], str | None]) → None¶

Add a task or a task list to the direct predecessors of the current task.


other (Union[DAGTask, Iterable[DAGTask], Callable[["Session"], Optional[str]]]) – The task or task list to be added as the direct predecessors of the current task.


Add a task to the predecessors of the current task:

>>> task1 = DAGTask("task1", "select 'task1'")
>>> task2 = DAGTask("task2", "select 'task2'")
>>> task1.add_predecessors(task2)
add_successors(other: DAGTask | Iterable[DAGTask | Callable[[Session], str | None]] | Callable[[Session], str | None]) → None¶

Add a task or a task list to be the direct successor of the current task.


other (Union[DAGTask, Iterable[DAGTask], Callable[["Session"], Optional[str]]]) – The task or task list to be added as the direct successors of the current task.


Add a task to the successors of the current task:

>>> task1 = DAGTask("task1", "select 'task1'")
>>> task2 = DAGTask("task2", "select 'task2'")
>>> task1.add_successors(task2)