- class snowflake.core.warehouse.Warehouse(name: str, warehouse_type: str | None = None, warehouse_size: str | None = None, wait_for_completion: str | None = None, max_cluster_count: int | None = None, min_cluster_count: int | None = None, scaling_policy: str | None = None, auto_suspend: int | None = None, auto_resume: str | None = None, initially_suspended: str | None = None, resource_monitor: str | None = None, comment: str | None = None, enable_query_acceleration: str | None = None, query_acceleration_max_scale_factor: int | None = None, max_concurrency_level: int | None = None, statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds: int | None = None, statement_timeout_in_seconds: int | None = None, type: str | None = None, size: str | None = None, state: str | None = None, started_clusters: int | None = None, running: int | None = None, queued: int | None = None, is_default: bool | None = None, is_current: bool | None = None, available: str | None = None, provisioning: str | None = None, quiescing: str | None = None, other: str | None = None, created_on: datetime | None = None, resumed_on: datetime | None = None, updated_on: datetime | None = None, owner: str | None = None, budget: str | None = None, kind: str | None = None, owner_role_type: str | None = None, warehouse_credit_limit: int | None = None, target_statement_size: str | None = None)¶
A model object representing the Warehouse resource.
Constructs an object of type Warehouse with the provided properties.
- Parameters:
name (str) – A Snowflake object identifier.
warehouse_type (str, optional) – Type of warehouse, possible types: STANDARD, SNOWPARK-OPTIMIZED
warehouse_size (str, optional) – Size of warehouse, possible sizes: XSMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, XLARGE, XXLARGE, XXXLARGE, X4LARGE, X5LARGE, X6LARGE
wait_for_completion (str, optional) – When resizing a warehouse, you can use this parameter to block the return of the ALTER WAREHOUSE command until the resize has finished provisioning all its compute resources
max_cluster_count (int, optional) – Specifies the maximum number of clusters for a multi-cluster warehouse
min_cluster_count (int, optional) – Specifies the minimum number of clusters for a multi-cluster warehouse
scaling_policy (str, optional) – Scaling policy of warehouse, possible scaling policies: STANDARD, ECONOMY
auto_suspend (int, optional) – time in seconds before auto suspend
auto_resume (str, optional) – Specifies whether to automatically resume a warehouse when a SQL statement is submitted to it
initially_suspended (str, optional) – Specifies whether the warehouse is created initially in the Suspended state
resource_monitor (str, optional) – A Snowflake object identifier.
comment (str, optional) – Specifies a comment for the warehouse
enable_query_acceleration (str, optional) – Specifies whether to enable the query acceleration service for queries that rely on this warehouse for compute resources
query_acceleration_max_scale_factor (int, optional) – Specifies the maximum scale factor for leasing compute resources for query acceleration. The scale factor is used as a multiplier based on warehouse size
max_concurrency_level (int, optional) – Object parameter that specifies the concurrency level for SQL statements executed by a warehouse cluster
statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds (int, optional) – Object parameter that specifies the time, in seconds, a SQL statement can be queued on a warehouse before it is canceled by the system
statement_timeout_in_seconds (int, optional) – Object parameter that specifies the time, in seconds, after which a running SQL statement is canceled by the system
type (str, optional) – [Deprecated] Type of warehouse, possible types: STANDARD, SNOWPARK-OPTIMIZED
size (str, optional) – [Deprecated] names of size: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2X-Large, 3X-Large, 4X-Large, 5X-Large, 6X-Large
state (str, optional) – The state of warehouse, possible states: STARTED, STARTING, DYNAMIC, SUSPENDED, RESIZING, RESUMING, SUSPENDING
started_clusters (int, optional) – Number of clusters currently started.
running (int, optional) – Number of SQL statements that are being executed by the warehouse.
queued (int, optional) – Number of SQL statements that are queued for the warehouse.
is_default (bool, optional) – Whether the warehouse is the default for the current user.
is_current (bool, optional) – Whether the warehouse is in use for the session. Only one warehouse can be in use at a time for a session. To specify or change the warehouse for a session, use the USE WAREHOUSE command.
available (str, optional) – Percentage of the warehouse compute resources that are provisioned and available.
provisioning (str, optional) – Percentage of the warehouse compute resources that are in the process of provisioning.
quiescing (str, optional) – Percentage of the warehouse compute resources that are executing SQL statements, but will be shut down once the queries complete.
other (str, optional) – Percentage of the warehouse compute resources that are in a state other than available, provisioning, or quiescing.
created_on (datetime, optional) – Date and time when the warehouse was created.
resumed_on (datetime, optional) – Date and time when the warehouse was last started or restarted.
updated_on (datetime, optional) – Date and time when the warehouse was last updated, which includes changing any of the properties of the warehouse or changing the state (STARTED, SUSPENDED, RESIZING) of the warehouse.
owner (str, optional) – Role that owns the warehouse.
budget (str, optional) – Comment representing budget for warehouse.
kind (str, optional)
owner_role_type (str, optional) – The type of role that owns the object.
warehouse_credit_limit (int, optional) – Credit limit that are can be executed by the warehouse.
target_statement_size (str, optional) – Names of size: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2X-Large, 3X-Large, 4X-Large, 5X-Large, 6X-Large
- classmethod from_dict(obj: dict) WarehouseModel ¶
Creates an instance of Warehouse from a dict.
This method constructs a Warehouse object from a dictionary with the key-value pairs of its properties.
- Parameters:
obj (dict) – A dictionary whose keys and values correspond to the properties of the resource object.
- Returns:
A Warehouse object created using the input dictionary; this will fail if the required properties are missing.
- Return type:
- to_dict()¶
Creates a dictionary of the properties from a Warehouse.
This method constructs a dictionary with the key-value entries corresponding to the properties of the Warehouse object.
- Returns:
A dictionary object created using the input model.
- Return type: