Differential privacy in Snowflake

Differential privacy is a widely recognized standard for data privacy that limits the risk that a user could leak sensitive information from a sensitive dataset. It protects the identity and information of individual entities in the data, for example, people, corporations, and locations. While each individual entity’s information is protected, differential privacy still lets data consumers learn statistics, trends, and behaviors about groups of individuals.

Differential privacy provides strong protection against re-identification that is particularly effective against targeted privacy attacks. This protection lets you share sensitive data across teams, outside of your organization, and across regulatory lines. Differential privacy mitigates the increased re-identification risk associated with joining two sensitive datasets, adding new fields, unmasking existing fields, or providing individual rows instead of pre-aggregated data.

Unlike other privacy methodologies, differential privacy does the following:

  • Protects against targeted privacy attacks, for example differencing and amplification attacks.

  • Quantifies and manages the trade-off between privacy and utility, that is, controls how much non-sensitive information data consumers can learn about the data.

  • Removes the need for data providers to transform sensitive data to reduce re-identification risk (for example, masking, redaction, and bucketing).

How does differential privacy protect sensitive information?

Under differential privacy, query results must not reveal information that could be used to identify an individual entity. Snowflake does the following to enforce differential privacy:

Noisy aggregates

Differentially private queries must aggregate data to return results; row-level queries like SELECT * are blocked. These aggregates are noisy; they’re not the exact result of a computation. Noise (that is, variation or randomization) is introduced into the result to obscure whether any particular row or entity was included in the aggregation.

The addition of noise protects against privacy attacks like thin-slicing and differencing. The amount of noise that’s added to the query result depends on several factors that influence the sensitivity of the query, including the number of records queried, type of aggregate, and types of data transformations. Snowflake calculates the sensitivity of a query based on rigorous mathematics, but it can be understood loosely as the query’s potential to leak information about an individual entity. In general, less-sensitive queries have less noise, potentially to the point that it’s statistically negligible. Very sensitive queries, for example a query that tries to single out an individual entity, have a large amount of noise to prevent sensitive information from being leaked.

Snowflake does not introduce noise into intermediate aggregations that occur before the final aggregation of the query; noise is only introduced once per query.

Snowflake considers the number of rows in the privacy-protected table to be public. For example, executing SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t, where table t is protected by a privacy policy, returns an exact result without incurring any privacy loss.

For more information about how to understand the level of noise, see Understanding query results.

Limiting privacy loss

Every query against a protected dataset can result in the exposure of private information associated with an individual, including the noisy aggregate results that differentially private queries produce. In differential privacy, this disclosure of information is known as privacy loss, and is a quantifiable unit of measure. The more private information that is revealed by a query, the higher the privacy loss associated with that query. Because privacy loss is quantifiable, Snowflake can use differential privacy to protect sensitive data across a history of queries up to a certain degree of statistical confidence.

Privacy loss accumulates as a user executes queries against the protected data. When the cumulative privacy loss reaches a certain threshold, subsequently letting the user see more results would theoretically let them identify individuals with an unacceptable level of confidence. A privacy budget sets a limit on how much privacy loss is acceptable. Snowflake tallies the privacy loss of the queries executed by a user or group of users and makes sure that tally never exceeds the privacy budget associated with those users. When the user’s privacy budget reaches the budget limit set by the privacy policy creator, queries submitted by that user fail until that user’s budget is refreshed. Snowflake offers a customizable privacy budget with a default value that sets the privacy loss threshold and the refresh period.

Snowflake uses a privacy policy, which is a schema-level object, to associate a privacy budget with a user or group of users. When an administrator assigns that privacy policy to a table or view, it becomes privacy-protected. When a user runs a query against a privacy-protected table, Snowflake uses the privacy policy to determine which privacy budget is associated with the user and ensures that the privacy loss the query incurs will not exceed the budget’s limit.

Differential privacy in theory vs. in practice

The standard of differential privacy comes from academic literature, and was formulated to have strong, mathematically proven privacy guarantees, particularly against theoretical privacy attacks. In particular, privacy settings like privacy budget are set more conservatively when discussed in academic settings. These settings favor strong protection against theoretical privacy attacks, at the expense of data utility (analytical fidelity, accuracy, and availability). When considering the tradeoff between privacy and utility for your use case, including for highly sensitive data like PII and PHI, consider the following:

  • Practical privacy attacks aren’t as effective as theoretical privacy attacks described in academic literature that assume that attackers have unlimited compute resources and access to all datasets except the one they’re attacking.

  • Data consumers typically don’t want to intentionally launch attacks because the data provider can revoke the consumer’s data access, and the analytical value of the data is too high for them to risk losing it.

Snowflake has selected default settings that reasonably balance privacy protection and utility in line with the goals of real-world use cases, but you can always set different settings to meet your specific needs.

Differential privacy workflow

The following workflow consists of tasks performed by the data provider who is protecting their data with differential privacy and tasks for an analyst who is querying the data after it’s protected.

Data provider:



  • When a table is privacy-protected, analysts can only query the following data types:

  • Some Snowflake features are currently not supported when using differential privacy. For details, see Interactions with Snowflake features.

  • Query functionality is limited in order to protect privacy. For a list of supported operators, query syntax, and functions, see Differential privacy SQL reference.

  • When a query is run on a privacy-protected table, Snowflake first calculates statistics that influence how much noise will be added, then it runs the query. If the data changes in between these two steps, the amount of noise added may be incorrect. Snowflake recommends that data providers schedule data updates so that they don’t occur when analysts can run queries.

Next steps

If you’re a data provider who is using differential privacy to protect your dataset, see Implementing differential privacy.

If you’re an analyst who is querying a dataset that’s protected by differential privacy, see Querying data protected by differential privacy.