Snowflake Data Clean Rooms: 外部データコネクタのトラブルシューティング¶
このトピックでは、外部データエラーのトラブルシューティング方法について説明します。Amazon Web Services、Microsoft Azure、Google Cloudに適用されます。
URL/URI のパスが正しいことを確認します。正しい URL/URI については、関連する関連トピックをご参照ください。
USE ROLE SAMOOHA_APP_ROLE; USE DATABASE SAMOOHA_BY_SNOWFLAKE_LOCAL_DB; USE SCHEMA PUBLIC; /* Query the stage name from the connector configuration. Use AWS_CONNECTOR_ID for AWS, GCP_CONNECTOR_ID for GCP and AZURE_CONNECTOR_ID for Azure. For example, if you are connecting to AWS, enter: SELECT CONFIGURATION_ID, PARSE_JSON(CONFIGURATION) FROM SAMOOHA_BY_SNOWFLAKE_LOCAL_DB.PUBLIC.CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION WHERE CONNECTOR_ID = 'AWS_CONNECTOR_ID'; /* Note that the rest of this script relies on the output of this query so you must save the output for use in the rest of the steps. Next, check the storage integration. Replace <CONFIGURATION_ID> from the output of the query. */ DESC STORAGE INTEGRATION SAMOOHA_STORAGE_INT_<CONFIGURATION_ID>; /* List files in the stage. Replace <STAGE_NAME> from the output of the query. */ LIST @<STAGE_NAME>; /* Check if you are able to query the files in the external stage. Replace <STAGE_NAME> from the output of the query. */ SELECT * FROM @<STAGE_NAME> LIMIT 10; /* Check if you are able to infer the schema from the files in the external stage. Replace <STAGE_NAME> from the output of the query. */ SELECT ARRAY_AGG(OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(*)) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY order_id) FROM TABLE( INFER_SCHEMA( LOCATION=>'@<STAGE_NAME>', FILE_FORMAT=>'SAMOOHA_BY_SNOWFLAKE_LOCAL_DB.PUBLIC.PAR_FF' ) ); /* Try to create a table from the external stage. Replace <STAGE_NAME> from the output of the query. */ CALL SAMOOHA_BY_SNOWFLAKE_LOCAL_DB.LIBRARY.CREATE_TABLE_FROM_STAGE('<STAGE_NAME>', 'EXT_INT_TEMP_TABLE'); /* Check data in the table. */ SELECT * FROM SAMOOHA_BY_SNOWFLAKE_LOCAL_DB.PUBLIC.EXT_INT_TEMP_TABLE LIMIT 10;