Using languages such as Go, C#, and Python, you can write applications that perform operations on Snowflake. Use the drivers described in this section to access Snowflake from applications written in the driver’s supported language.
- Go Snowflake Driver
Connect to Snowflake and perform all standard operations with an interface for developing applications using the Go programming language.
- JDBC Driver
Connect to Snowflake from most client tools/applications that support JDBC.
- .NET Driver
Connect to Snowflake with an interface to the Microsoft .NET open source software framework for developing applications.
- Node.js Driver
Connect to Snowflake with a native asynchronous Node.js interface.
- ODBC Driver
Connect to Snowflake using ODBC-based client applications.
- PHP PDO Driver for Snowflake
Connect to Snowflake and perform all standard operations with an interface for developing PHP applications.
- Snowflake Connector for Python
Develop Python applications that can connect to Snowflake and perform all standard operations.