Executing SQL statements in a repository

You can use the snow git execute command for all .sql files in a repository path. The command searches for all SQL files and executes the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE on each of them.

snow git execute <REPO_PATH> [--silent]


  • <REPO_PATH> can be any of the following:

    • A repository stage, such as @snowcli_git/branches/main/, to execute commands from all .sql files in the stage.

    • A glob-like pattern, such as @snowcli_git/branches/main/scripts/*, to execute commands from all .sql files in the scripts directory.

    • A specific .sql file, such as @snowcli_git/branches/main/scripts/script.sql, to execute commands contained only the the script.sql file.

  • --silent hides intermediate messages with file execution results.


The snow git execute command does not display the output of any of the SQL commands it processes.

The following example shows how to execute SQL commands in all files within the project directory that match a regular expression.

snow git execute "@git_test/branches/main/projects/script?.sql"
SUCCESS - git_test/branches/main/projects/script1.sql
SUCCESS - git_test/branches/main/projects/script2.sql
SUCCESS - git_test/branches/main/projects/script3.sql
| File                                        | Status  | Error |
| git_test/branches/main/projects/script1.sql | SUCCESS | None  |
| git_test/branches/main/projects/script2.sql | SUCCESS | None  |
| git_test/branches/main/projects/script3.sql | SUCCESS | None  |

Adding the --silent option to the same command hides the intermediate messages showing the progression of the files processed.

snow git execute "@git_test/branches/main/projects/script?.sql" --silent
| File                                        | Status  | Error |
| git_test/branches/main/projects/script1.sql | SUCCESS | None  |
| git_test/branches/main/projects/script2.sql | SUCCESS | None  |
| git_test/branches/main/projects/script3.sql | SUCCESS | None  |