Working with cursors

You can use a cursor to iterate through query results one row at a time.


To retrieve data from the results of a query, you can use a cursor. To iterate over the rows in the results, you can use a cursor in loops.

To use a cursor, do the following:

  1. In the DECLARE section, declare the cursor. The declaration includes the query for the cursor.

  2. Before you use the cursor for the first time, execute the OPEN command to open the cursor. This executes the query and loads the results into the cursor.

  3. Execute the FETCH command to fetch one or more rows and process those rows.

  4. When you are done with the results or the cursor is no longer needed, execute the CLOSE command to close the cursor.


You can also use a RESULTSET to retrieve the results of a query when you use Snowflake Scripting. For information about the differences between a cursor and a RESULTSET, see Understanding the differences between a cursor and a RESULTSET.

Setting up the data for the examples

The examples in this section uses the following data:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE invoices (id INTEGER, price NUMBER(12, 2));

INSERT INTO invoices (id, price) VALUES
  (1, 11.11),
  (2, 22.22);

Declaring a cursor

You can declare a cursor for a SELECT statement or a RESULTSET.

You declare a cursor in the DECLARE section of a block or in the BEGIN … END section of the block:

  • Within the DECLARE section, use the syntax described in Cursor declaration syntax.

    For example, to declare a cursor for a query:

      c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT price FROM invoices;

    To declare a cursor for a RESULTSET:

      res RESULTSET DEFAULT (SELECT price FROM invoices);
      c1 CURSOR FOR res;
  • Within the BEGIN … END block, use the syntax described in Cursor assignment syntax. For example:

      LET c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT price FROM invoices;

In the SELECT statement, you can specify bind parameters (? characters) that you can bind to variables when opening the cursor. To bind variables to the parameters, specify the variables in the USING clause of the OPEN command. For example:

  minimum_price NUMBER(13,2) DEFAULT 22.00;
  maximum_price NUMBER(13,2) DEFAULT 33.00;
  c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM invoices WHERE price > ? AND price < ?;
  OPEN c1 USING (minimum_price, maximum_price);
  FETCH c1 INTO id;
  RETURN id;

Note: If you are using SnowSQL, the Classic Console, or the execute_stream or execute_string method in Python Connector code, use this example instead (see Using Snowflake Scripting in SnowSQL, the Classic Console, and Python Connector):

  minimum_price NUMBER(13,2) DEFAULT 22.00;
  maximum_price NUMBER(13,2) DEFAULT 33.00;
  c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM invoices WHERE price > ? AND price < ?;
  OPEN c1 USING (minimum_price, maximum_price);
  FETCH c1 INTO id;
  RETURN id;
| anonymous block |
|               2 |

Opening a cursor

Although the statement that declares a cursor defines the query associated with that cursor, the query is not executed until you open the cursor by executing the OPEN command. For example:

OPEN c1;


  • When using a cursor in a FOR loop, you do not need to open the cursor explicitly.

  • If you declare a cursor for a RESULTSET object, the query is executed when you associate the object with the query. In this case, opening the cursor does not cause the query to be executed again.

If your query contains any bind parameters (? characters), add a USING clause to specify the list of variables to bind to those parameters. For example:

LET c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM invoices WHERE price > ? AND price < ?;
OPEN c1 USING (minimum_price, maximum_price);

Opening the cursor executes the query, retrieves the specified rows into the cursor, and sets up an internal pointer that points to the first row. You can use the FETCH command to fetch (read) individual rows using the cursor.

As with any SQL query, if the query definition does not contain an ORDER BY at the outermost level, then the result set has no defined order. When the result set for the cursor is created, the order of the rows is persistent until the cursor is closed. If you declare or open the cursor again, the rows might be in a different order. Similarly, if you close the cursor and the underlying table is updated before you open the cursor again, the result set can change.

Using a cursor to fetch data

Use the FETCH command to retrieve the current row from the result set and advance the internal current row pointer to point to the next row in the result set.

In the INTO clause, specify the variables that hold the values from the row.

For example:

FETCH c1 INTO var_for_column_value;

If the number of variables does not match the number of expressions in the SELECT clause of the cursor declaration, Snowflake attempts to match the variables with the columns by position:

  • If there are more variables than columns, Snowflake leaves the remaining variables unset.

  • If there are more columns than variables, Snowflake ignores the remaining columns.

Each subsequent FETCH command that you execute gets the next row until the last row has been fetched. If you try to FETCH a row after the last row, you get NULL values.

A RESULTSET or cursor does not necessarily cache all the rows of the result set at the time that the query is executed. FETCH operations can experience latency.

Using a cursor to retrieve a GEOGRAPHY value

If the results include a column of the type GEOGRAPHY, the type of the value in the column is OBJECT, not GEOGRAPHY. This means that you cannot directly pass this value to geospatial functions that accept a GEOGRAPHY object as input:

  geohash_value VARCHAR;
  LET cur CURSOR FOR res;
  FOR row_variable IN cur DO
    geohash_value := ST_GEOHASH(row_variable.geography_value);
  RETURN geohash_value;
001044 (42P13): Uncaught exception of type 'EXPRESSION_ERROR' on line 7 at position 21 : SQL compilation error: ...
Invalid argument types for function 'ST_GEOHASH': (OBJECT)

To work around this, cast the column value to the GEOGRAPHY type:

geohash_value := ST_GEOHASH(TO_GEOGRAPHY(row_variable.geography_value));

Returning a table for a cursor

If you need to return a table of data from a cursor, you can pass the cursor to RESULTSET_FROM_CURSOR(cursor), which in turn you can pass to TABLE(...).

The following block returns a table of data from a cursor:

  c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM invoices;
  OPEN c1;

Note: If you are using SnowSQL, the Classic Console, or the execute_stream or execute_string method in Python Connector code, use this example instead (see Using Snowflake Scripting in SnowSQL, the Classic Console, and Python Connector):

  c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM invoices;
  OPEN c1;
| ID | PRICE |
|  1 | 11.11 |
|  2 | 22.22 |

Even if you have already used the cursor to fetch rows, RESULTSET_FROM_CURSOR still returns a RESULTSET containing all of the rows, not just the rows starting from the internal row pointer.

As shown above, the example fetches the first row and sets the internal row pointer to the second row. RESULTSET_FROM_CURSOR returns a RESULTSET containing both rows (not just the second row).

Closing a cursor

When you are done with the result set, close the cursor by executing the CLOSE command. For example:



When using a cursor in a FOR loop, you do not need to close the cursor explicitly.

You cannot execute the FETCH command on a cursor that has been closed.

In addition, after you close a cursor, the current row pointer becomes invalid. If you open the cursor again, the pointer points to the first row in the new result set.

Example of using a cursor

This example uses data that you set up in Setting up the data for the examples.

Here is a stored procedure that uses a cursor to read two rows and sum the prices in those rows:

  row_price FLOAT;
  total_price FLOAT;
  c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT price FROM invoices;
  row_price := 0.0;
  total_price := 0.0;
  OPEN c1;
  FETCH c1 INTO row_price;
  total_price := total_price + row_price;
  FETCH c1 INTO row_price;
  total_price := total_price + row_price;
  CLOSE c1;
  RETURN total_price;

Note: If you are using SnowSQL, the Classic Console, or the execute_stream or execute_string method in Python Connector code, use this example instead (see Using Snowflake Scripting in SnowSQL, the Classic Console, and Python Connector):

    row_price FLOAT;
    total_price FLOAT;
    c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT price FROM invoices;
    row_price := 0.0;
    total_price := 0.0;
    OPEN c1;
    FETCH c1 INTO row_price;
    total_price := total_price + row_price;
    FETCH c1 INTO row_price;
    total_price := total_price + row_price;
    CLOSE c1;
    RETURN total_price;
| anonymous block |
|           33.33 |

An example using a loop is included in the documentation for FOR loops.

Troubleshooting problems with cursors

The following section describes common problems with cursors and identifies a possible cause and solution in each case.

Symptom: Cursor retrieves every second row rather than every row

  • Possible cause: You might have executed FETCH inside a FOR <record> IN <cursor> loop. A FOR loop over a cursor automatically fetches the next row. If you do another fetch inside the loop, you get every second row.

  • Possible solution: Remove any unneeded FETCH commands inside a FOR loop.

Symptom: FETCH command retrieves unexpected NULL values

  • Possible cause: You might have executed FETCH inside a FOR <record> IN <cursor> loop. A FOR loop over a cursor automatically fetches the next row. If you do another fetch inside the loop, you get every second row. If there is an odd number of rows, the last fetch will try to fetch a row beyond the last row, and the values will be NULL.

  • Possible solution: Remove any unneeded FETCH commands inside a FOR loop.