- Categories:
System functions (System Information)
Generates a certificate signing request (CSR) with the subject set to the subject of the certificate stored in the SAML2 integration and can specify the DN
to be used in the CSR.
The name of the SAML2 security integration to generate the CSR.
The distinguished name to be used the CSR. Note that a DN is a string of relative DNs separated by commas. For example:
'cn=juser, ou=dev, ou=people, o=eng, dc=com'
If missing, the DN of the current certificate will be used. If using the self-signed certificate, the value will be the account alias, if set, or the account name.
Usage notes¶
To generate a CSR with the subject set to the subject of the current certificate stored in the SAML2 integration, execute the function with the name
parameter only. For example:
select system$generate_saml_csr('my_idp'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SYSTEM$GENERATE_SAML_CSR('MY_IDP') | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- | MIICWzCCAUMCAQAwFjEUMBIGA1UEAxMLVEVTVEFDQ09VTlQwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCRpyZ | ... | -----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+Note
The current certificate refers to the value of the
in the SAML2 integration (row 7 after executing a DESCRIBE INTEGRATION statement on the SAML2 integration).This certificate value could be the self-signed certificate or a certificate uploaded previously using an ALTER SECURITY INTEGRATION statement as shown in Manage Your SAML2 security integration.
To generate a CSR with the CSR’s subject set to a given value, execute the function with both the name
and DN
parameters. For example:
select system$generate_saml_csr('my_idp', 'cn=juser, ou=dev, ou=people, o=eng, dc=com'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SYSTEM$GENERATE_SAML_CSR('MY_IDP') | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- | MIICWzCCAUMCAQAwFjEUMBIGA1UEAxMLVEVTVEFDQ09VTlQwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCRpyZ | ... | -----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
You can then upload the certificate for that private key using the CSR generated by the function into Snowflake.