- Categories:
Returns the minimum bounding box (a rectangular “envelope”) that encloses a specified GEOGRAPHY or GEOMETRY object.
ST_ENVELOPE( <geography_or_geometry_expression> )
The argument must be of type GEOGRAPHY or GEOMETRY.
The function returns a value of type GEOGRAPHY or GEOMETRY that represents the minimum bounding box around the input object.
Usage notes¶
For GEOGRAPHY objects:
is a LineString that represents a meridian arc (an arc along a line of longitude), ST_ENVELOPE returns that LineString.If
is a LineString that represents an arc on a parallel (an arc along a line of latitude) other than the equator, ST_ENVELOPE returns a Polygon that represents the bounding box for the arc.If
is a single Point, ST_ENVELOPE returns that Point.
For GEOMETRY objects:
In degenerate cases (e.g. where the input is a point or a vertical or horizontal line), the function may return a geometry of lower dimension (i.e. a Point or LineString).
For GEOMETRY objects, the returned GEOMETRY object has the same SRID as the input.
GEOGRAPHY examples¶
The following example returns the minimum bounding box for a polygon:
SELECT ST_ENVELOPE( TO_GEOGRAPHY( 'POLYGON((-122.306067 37.55412, -122.32328 37.561801, -122.325879 37.586852, -122.306067 37.55412))' ) ) as minimum_bounding_box_around_polygon; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MINIMUM_BOUNDING_BOX_AROUND_POLYGON | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | POLYGON((-122.325879 37.55412,-122.306067 37.55412,-122.306067 37.586852,-122.325879 37.586852,-122.325879 37.55412)) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
The following example passes in a LineString that represents a meridian arc. The function returns the same LineString, rather than a Polygon.
SELECT ST_ENVELOPE( TO_GEOGRAPHY( 'LINESTRING(-122.32328 37.561801, -122.32328 37.562001)' ) ) as minimum_bounding_box_around_meridian_arc; +-------------------------------------------------------+ | MINIMUM_BOUNDING_BOX_AROUND_MERIDIAN_ARC | |-------------------------------------------------------| | LINESTRING(-122.32328 37.561801,-122.32328 37.562001) | +-------------------------------------------------------+
The following example passes in a LineString that represents an arc on a parallel that is not the equator. The function returns a Polygon that represents the bounding box:
SELECT ST_ENVELOPE( TO_GEOGRAPHY( 'LINESTRING(-122.32328 37.561801,-122.32351 37.561801)' ) ) as minimum_bounding_box_around_arc_along_parallel; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MINIMUM_BOUNDING_BOX_AROUND_ARC_ALONG_PARALLEL | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | POLYGON((-122.32351 37.561801,-122.32328 37.561801,-122.32328 37.561801,-122.32351 37.561801,-122.32351 37.561801)) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
The following example passes in a single Point. The function returns the same Point:
SELECT ST_ENVELOPE( TO_GEOGRAPHY( 'POINT(-122.32328 37.561801)' ) ) as minimum_bounding_box_around_point; +-----------------------------------+ | MINIMUM_BOUNDING_BOX_AROUND_POINT | |-----------------------------------| | POINT(-122.32328 37.561801) | +-----------------------------------+