- Categories:
A special version of H3_POLYGON_TO_CELLS_STRINGS that returns NULL if an error occurs when it attempts to return an array of VARCHAR values of the hexadecimal IDs of H3 cells that have centroids contained by a Polygon (specified by a GEOGRAPHY object).
H3_TRY_POLYGON_TO_CELLS_STRINGS( <geography_polygon> , <target_resolution> )
A GEOGRAPHY object that represents a Polygon.
An INTEGER between 0 and 15 (inclusive) that specifies the H3 resolution that you want to use for the returned H3 cells.
Specifying any other INTEGER value results in an error.
Returns an array of VARCHAR values or NULL.
If the function can perform a successful calculation, returns an array of VARCHAR values for the hexadecimal IDs of the H3 cells that have centroids contained in the specified input Polygon.
If the function cannot perform a successful calculation, returns NULL without reporting an error.
Usage notes¶
See H3_POLYGON_TO_CELLS_STRINGS for the usage notes.
The following example attempts to return an an array of VARCHAR values of the hexadecimal IDs of H3 cells that have centroids contained by a Polygon (specified by a GEOGRAPHY object). Because the array with the cells that cover the given hexagon at the given resolution exceeds the allowed size limit, the function returns NULL.
TO_GEOGRAPHY('POLYGON((-108.959 40.948,
-109.015 37.077,
-102.117 36.956,
-102.134 40.953,
-108.959 40.948))'
), 15) AS h3_cells_in_polygon;
| NULL |
For examples that successfully return an array of IDs, see H3_POLYGON_TO_CELLS_STRINGS.