Troubleshooting Python UDFsΒΆ

This topic provides troubleshooting information about Python UDFs (user-defined functions).


Problem: A required Python library is not available through AnacondaΒΆ

Third-party Python libraries, which do not have C/C++ extensions, can be imported by UDFs directly via Snowflake stages. For more information, see Creating a Python UDF with code uploaded from a stage.

To learn how to submit a request to support additional Anaconda packages, see Using third-party packages.

Problem: A UDF fails with the error β€œfunction available memory exhaustedӢ

Reduce the amount of memory used by the UDF.

Check the UDF code for bugs or memory leaks.

For more information, see Memory.

Problem: I want to extract ZIP or other archives inside a UDFΒΆ

To see an example of how to upload a ZIP file to a Snowflake stage and then unzip it into the /tmp directory inside the UDF, see Unzipping a staged file.

Problem: UDF performance is slowΒΆ

For information about how to improve the performance of UDFs, see Optimizing for scale and performance.

Problem: The ORGADMIN role is not enabled so Anaconda packages cannot be usedΒΆ

When going through the steps to get started using third-party packages from Anaconda, the organization administrator (ORGADMIN) role is required.

To resolve this problem, follow the instructions in Enabling the ORGADMIN role in an account.

Problem: A UDF fails with the error β€œUnicodeDecodeError” when reading a fileΒΆ

When you use the SnowflakeFile class to read files that contain non-text data, you must specify the input mode as binary. Otherwise you might encounter the following error:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf7 in position 12: invalid start byte

To resolve this problem, specify the input mode as binary by passing 'rb' for the mode argument (the second argument). For example:

with, 'rb') as f:


Training machine learning (ML) models can sometimes be very resource intensive. Snowpark-optimized warehouses are a type of Snowflake virtual warehouse that can be used for workloads that require a large amount of memory and compute resources. For information on machine learning models and Snowpark Python, see Training Machine Learning Models with Snowpark Python.

If using a Python UDF in a masking policy, ensure the data type of the column, UDF, and masking policy match.

For troubleshooting information about third-party packages, see Known issues with third-party packages.