Writing Scala handlers for stored procedures created with SQL

You can read the contents of a file with handler code. The file must be on a Snowflake stage that’s available to your handler. For example, you might want to read a file to process unstructured data in the handler.

To read the contents of staged files, your handler can call methods in either the SnowflakeFile class or the InputStream class. You might do this if you need to access the file dynamically during compute. For more information, see Reading a dynamically-specified file with SnowflakeFile or Reading a dynamically-specified file with InputStream in this topic.

SnowflakeFile provides features not available with InputStream, as described in the following table.





URL formats:

  • Scoped URL to reduce the risk of file injection attacks when the function’s caller is not also its owner.

  • File URL or string path for files that the UDF owner has access to.

The file must be located in a named internal stage or an external stage.

Easily access additional file attributes, such as file size.


URL formats:

  • Scoped URL to reduce the risk of file injection attacks when the function’s caller is not also its owner.

The file must be located in a named internal stage or an external stage.


For an owner’s rights stored procedure, the procedure’s owner must have access to any files that are not scoped URLs. For caller’s rights procedures, the caller must have access to any files that are not scoped URLs. In either case, you can read the staged file by having the handler code call the SnowflakeFile.newInstance method with a boolean value for a new requireScopedUrl parameter.

The following example uses SnowflakeFile.newInstance while specifying that a scoped URL is not required.

var filename = "@my_stage/filename.txt"
var sfFile = SnowflakeFile.newInstance(filename, false)

Reading a dynamically-specified file with SnowflakeFile

Code in the following example has a handler function execute that takes a String and returns a String with the file’s contents. At run time, Snowflake initializes the handler’s fileName variable from the incoming file path in the procedure’s input variable. The handler code uses a SnowflakeFile instance to read the file.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE file_reader_scala_proc_snowflakefile(input VARCHAR)
HANDLER = 'FileReader.execute'
AS $$
import java.io.InputStream
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import com.snowflake.snowpark_java.types.SnowflakeFile
import com.snowflake.snowpark_java.Session

object FileReader {
  def execute(session: Session, fileName: String): String = {
    var input: InputStream = SnowflakeFile.newInstance(fileName).getInputStream()
    return new String(input.readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)

Code in the following CALL example creates a scoped file URL that points to the file. This is an encoded URL that permits temporary access to a staged file without granting privileges to the stage itself.

CALL file_reader_scala_proc_snowflakefile(BUILD_SCOPED_FILE_URL('@sales_data_stage', '/car_sales.json'));

Reading a dynamically-specified file with InputStream

Code in the following example defines a handler function execute that takes an InputStream and returns a String with the file’s contents. At run time, Snowflake initializes the handler’s stream variable from the incoming file path in the procedure’s input variable. The handler code uses the InputStream to read the file.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE file_reader_scala_proc_input(input VARCHAR)
HANDLER = 'FileReader.execute'
AS $$
import java.io.InputStream
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import com.snowflake.snowpark_java.Session

object FileReader {
  def execute(session: Session, stream: InputStream): String = {
    val contents = new String(stream.readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
    return contents

Code in the following CALL example creates an encoded scoped file URL that points to the file. An encoded URL permits temporary access to a staged file without granting privileges to the stage itself.

CALL file_reader_scala_proc_input(BUILD_SCOPED_FILE_URL('@sales_data_stage', '/car_sales.json'));