January 13-16, 2025 — 9.1 Release Notes¶
The release has completed. For differences between the in-advance and final versions of these release notes, see Release notes change log.
New features¶
Outbound private connectivity for Snowflake features¶
Outbound private connectivity lets you create private endpoints in Snowflake to access a cloud platform using the platform’s private connectivity solution rather than the Internet. This lets you access cloud platform services privately and securely from Snowflake.
For general information about using outbound private connectivity, see Private connectivity for outbound network traffic.
External stages using Azure Private Link — General availability¶
You can configure an external stage and create a private endpoint so bulk loading from Azure storage occurs over Azure Private Link.
For more information, see Azure private connectivity for external stages and Snowpipe automation.
External volumes using Azure Private Link — General availability¶
You can configure an external volume and create a private endpoint so you can connect Snowflake to your external cloud storage for Apache Iceberg™ tables using Azure Private Link instead of the public Internet.
For more information, see Private connectivity to external volumes for Microsoft Azure.
Snowpipe automation using Azure Private Link — General availability¶
You can configure an external stage and notification integration, and create a private endpoint, so that automatic Snowpipe data loads that are triggered by Microsoft Azure Event Grid use Azure Private Link instead of the public Internet.
For more information, see Azure private connectivity for external stages and Snowpipe automation.
External stages using AWS PrivateLink — General availability¶
You can configure an external stage and create a private endpoint so bulk loading from Amazon S3 storage occurs over AWS PrivateLink.
For more information, see AWS private connectivity to external stages.
External volumes using AWS PrivateLink — General availability¶
You can configure an external volume and create a private endpoint so you can connect Snowflake to your external cloud storage for Apache Iceberg™ tables using AWS PrivateLink instead of the public Internet.
For more information, see Private connectivity to external volumes for AWS.
SQL updates¶
ARRAY_AGG function support for window frames — General availability¶
With this release, we are pleased to announce that the ARRAY_AGG window function now supports row-based and range-based window frames.
Data pipelines updates¶
CREATE DYNAMIC TABLE command: New REQUIRE USER parameter added¶
With this release, we are pleased to announce support for the REQUIRE USER parameter, which enables users to ensure that a dynamic table cannot refresh unless a user is specified via COPY SESSION.
For more information, see CREATE DYNAMIC TABLE.
ALTER DYNAMIC TABLE command: New COPY SESSION parameter added¶
With this release, we are pleased to announce support for the COPY SESSION parameter, which enables you to run a refresh operation in a copy of the current session, using the same user and warehouse.
For more information, see ALTER DYNAMIC TABLE.
Data lake updates¶
External stage and external volume support for Amazon S3 access points — General availability¶
With this release, we are pleased to announce support for using an Amazon S3 access point to connect Snowflake to Amazon S3 using an external stage or external volume.
For more information, see CREATE STAGE and CREATE EXTERNAL VOLUME.
Apache Iceberg™ tables: Automated refresh — General availability¶
With this release, we are pleased to announce general availability support for automated refreshes of Apache Iceberg™ tables that use an external catalog. With automated refreshes, Snowflake polls your external Iceberg catalog in a continuous and serverless fashion to synchronize the metadata with the most recent remote changes.
For more information, see Automatically refresh Apache Iceberg™ tables.
Data governance updates¶
Data metric functions: Support for referential integrity checks¶
With the release, we are pleased to announce that a user-defined data metric function (DMF) can accept multiple tables as arguments, which simplifies referential integrity, matching and comparison, or conditional checking across different datasets.
For more information, including an example of using a DMF with multiple table arguments to perform referential integrity checks, see Create your own DMF.
Privacy updates¶
Join policies — Preview¶
With this release, we are pleased to announce the preview of Join policies.
A join policy is a means of protecting tables and views. When a join policy is applied to a table, queries either require or do not require a join. In addition, when joins are required, they can be restricted to certain joining columns.
Release notes change log¶
Announcement |
Update |
Date |
Release notes |
Initial publication (preview) |
10-Jan-25 |