Preview — 9.7 Release Notes (with behavior changes)


Content in this page is available in advance of the completion of the 9.7 release, which is currently either pending or in progress.

The release is scheduled to complete March 19 (subject to change).

Features, updates, or behavior changes described in this page might not become available in your account(s) until the completion of the release.

For updates to these release notes, see Release notes change log.

Behavior change bundles

This release contains the following behavior change bundles:

Bundle Name

Status in this Release

Previous Status


Disabled by default; admins can enable for testing

N/A (introduced in this release)


Enabled by default; admins can disable for opt-out

Disabled by default


Generally enabled; admins can no longer enable/disable

Enabled by default

The status for each bundle will change in the next behavior change release, planned for April 2025; however, this schedule is subject to change.

For more information about bundle statuses and how they may impact your accounts, see About Behavior Changes.

Replication updates

Schema-level replication for failover groups — General availability

With this release, you can choose a subset of schemas for replication for databases in failover groups. To do so, you use the ALTER DATABASE and ALTER SCHEMA commands to set the REPLICABLE_WITH_FAILOVER_GROUPS property on a database and/or specific schemas within that database.

SQL updates

Semi-structured data: XML format — General availability

Snowflake support for the XML format is now generally available.

Spread operator

With this release, you can use the new spread operator (**) to expand an array into a list of individual values.

New maximum size limits for database objects — Preview

With this release, the new maximum allowed length for columns of type VARCHAR, VARIANT, ARRAY, and OBJECT is 128 MB, and the new maximum allowed length for columns of type BINARY, GEOGRAPHY, and GEOMETRY is 64 MB.

To use this feature, you must enable the 2025_02 bundle.

Release notes change log




Release notes

Initial publication (preview)
