January 22-February 13, 2025 — 9.2 Release Notes (with behavior changes)


The release has completed. For differences between the in-advance and final versions of these release notes, see Release notes change log.

Behavior change bundles

This release contains the following behavior change bundles:

Bundle Name

Status in this Release

Previous Status


Disabled by default; admins can enable for testing

N/A (introduced in this release)


Enabled by default; admins can disable for opt-out

Disabled by default


Generally enabled; admins can no longer enable/disable

Enabled by default

The status for each bundle will change in the next behavior change release, planned for March 2025; however, this schedule is subject to change.

For more information about bundle statuses and how they may impact your accounts, see About Behavior Changes.

Non-bundled behavior changes

The following changes aren’t part of a bundle, and therefore can’t be disabled:

New features

Triggered Tasks now can operate as Serverless Tasks — General availability

Snowflake can now automatically manage the compute resources for Triggered Tasks to complete within a target interval that you specify. To convert an existing Triggered Task to a Serverless Task:

  1. Suspend the task.

  2. Remove the WAREHOUSE parameter and add the TARGET_COMPLETION_INTERVAL parameter.

  3. Resume the task.

For more information, see Triggered Tasks and Serverless tasks.

Trust Center: Manage individual scanners

Trust Center scanners are scheduled background processes that check your account for security risks based on how you configured your account. With this release, you can manage individual scanners in a scanner package. When a scanner package is enabled, you can manage the scanners in the scanner package in the following ways:

  • Enable or disable individual scanners

  • Change the schedule of individual scanners

  • Manually start individual scanners

For more information, see Managing scanners.

Security updates

Outbound private connectivity for Microsoft Azure Government regions

You can use Azure Private Link for outbound network traffic originating from Microsoft Azure Government regions. This allows you to harden your security posture for Snowflake features like Snowpark Container Services and external volumes for Apache Iceberg™ tables.

For information about using Azure Private Link for outbound network traffic, see Private connectivity for outbound network traffic.

SQL updates

New SQL functions

The following function is now available with this release:

Function category

New function


System (Information)


Returns a string containing a list of the budgets that track a specified resource (for example, a table or a schema).

Additional CREATE OR ALTER commands — Preview

With this release, we are pleased to announce the preview of additional CREATE OR ALTER commands. These commands combine the functionality of the CREATE command and the ALTER command. A CREATE OR ALTER statement executes as a CREATE statement if the object doesn’t exist. If it does exist, it transforms the object according to the object definition in the statement.

CREATE OR ALTER TABLE provides a declarative and idempotent approach to defining your Snowflake objects. When used together with the Git integration, this enables an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) approach to database change management.

With this preview, the following additional objects are supported:

For more information, see CREATE OR ALTER <object>.

Data lake updates

Apache Iceberg™ tables: Support for writing Apache Iceberg metadata for Delta-based tables

With this release, we are pleased to announce support for writing metadata for Delta-based Iceberg tables to your external cloud storage.

For more information, see Changes to Apache Iceberg™ tables created from Delta files (Pending).


In order to write Iceberg metadata for Delta-based tables, you must enable the 2025_01 bundle in your account.

To enable this bundle in your account, execute the following statement:


Release notes change log




Release notes

Initial publication (preview)


Release notes

Added new feature: Triggered Tasks can operate as Serverless Tasks


Release notes

Correction: Triggered Tasks do not yet support Data Shares


Release notes

Added new feature: Additional CREATE OR ALTER commands — Preview
