External network access limitations

This topic describes limitations for accessing external network locations from user-defined functions and procedures.


  • Currently, handlers written only in Java or Python may access network locations external to Snowflake.

  • External network locations not on the public internet are not supported for external access. For example, locations behind a virtual private network (VPN) or virtual network (VNet) can’t be reached from a UDF or procedure.

  • When using a wildcard in a VALUE_LIST value in a network rule, the following are not valid wildcard uses:

    • snowflake.*.google.com

      Cannot be used to match snowflake.sub1.sub2.google.com because the asterisk can only be used to match alphanumeric characters and hyphens.

    • *.*.google.com

      Invalid because there are multiple asterisks in the wildcard.

    • *.com

      Invalid because the asterisk cannot be used to match the secondary level domain.

  • When using a secret of the PASSWORD type, the colon character (:) is not supported in the USERNAME or PASSWORD parameters.

  • Within handler code, you must access the secret API from the main thread of the procedure or UDF. If your handler code forks a new thread and attempts to use a secrets API from it, you will see an error such as the following:

    Secrets can only be accessed from the main thread.

    For example, the following Python code will generate an error:

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
      futures = [executor.submit(function, get_generic_secret)]
  • By default, Snowflake does not enable external access for trial accounts. Contact your account representative to get external access enabled for a trial account.

  • Snowflake doesn’t support specifying in a network rule as a way to allow egress to any destination from a stored procedure or UDF.