Troubleshooting external network access

The following lists errors you might encounter, along with their likely cause and a suggested resolution.

Error: UnknownHostException or Temporary Failure in Name Resolution

This error can have one of multiple causes, as described below.


The CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement does not reference the external access integration when creating a procedure or UDF that accesses a URL specified by the network rule.


When creating the procedure or UDF, be sure to specify the external access integration as a value of the CREATE statement’s EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIONS parameter.


The UDF or procedure is attempting to access a URL that is not part of the network rule included in the external access integration.


A user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role can add the host URL to the network rule included in the external access integration.

Error: Connect Timed Out or Receive Timed out


You are attempting to access an IP address or port that is not part of the network rule included in the external access integration.


A user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role can add the IP address to the network rule included in the external access integration.