Finalize configuration¶

Finalize configuration is the last step of the Wizard, it comes directly after connection configuration. This step allows the user to provide any custom configuration that was not included during the previous steps of the configuration. Furthermore, it can be used to do some final touches when it comes to configuration, like creating the sink database, starting task reactor etc. The entry point for this phase is a procedure called PUBLIC.FINALIZE_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION(CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION VARIANT). It can be customized by replacing it in SQL or by using FinalizeConnectorHandlerBuilder. By default, the provided custom_configuration is NOT persisted in the database, so if it’s required by the design, the configuration must be saved in one of the extension methods (most likely in the FINALIZE_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL).

Calling this procedure requires the user to have the ADMIN application role assigned.

The finalize configuration step internally consists of several phases. Some of them are fully customizable and by default, don’t do anything. The phases are as follows:

  1. Status validation

  2. Input validation

  3. Source validation

  4. Internal callback

  5. Status update


Finalize configuration requires at least the following sql files to be executed during native app installation:

  • core.sql

  • configuration/finalize_configuration.sql

  • Recommended: configuration/app_config.sql

Status validation¶

To perform connector finalization the internal status of the connector needs to be CONFIGURING, with configuration status CONNECTED.

This validation cannot be overwritten by using FinalizeConnectorHandlerBuilder nor by overwriting stored procedures. However, it is possible to implement a custom handler, which will not have this kind of validation.

Input validation¶

Input needs to be a valid Variant. IN addition, there are custom validations that need to be satisfied. One stored procedure, PUBLIC.FINALIZE_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION_VALIDATE(CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION VARIANT) stored can be customized by the user. By default, this procedure just returns 'response_code': 'OK'. Customize it by overwriting the SQL or by using FinalizeConnectorHandlerBuilder and providing a custom implementation of the FinalizeConnectorValidator interface.

Source validation¶

Once the validations are passed, the procedure PUBLIC.VALIDATE_SOURCE(CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION VARIANT) connects to an external source. In some cases this procedure can be the same as the TEST_CONNECTION procedure that was executed during connection configuration. However, TEST_CONNECTION is designed to just check some basic connectivity, while VALIDATE_SOURCE is a procedure that can require some additional configuration. For example, checking permissions to a specific resource in the source system. The default implementation of VALIDATE_SOURCE returns 'response_code': 'OK'. This default implementation can be overwritten with SQL or by implementing the SourceValidator interface using FinalizeConnectorHandlerBuilder.

Internal callback¶

Internal callback is a customizable step that invokes PUBLIC.FINALIZE_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL(CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION VARIANT), which returns 'response_code': 'OK' by default. This procedure allows the user to perform any additional configurations needed by the connector. For example, saving the provided custom_configuration in the STATE.CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION table. It can be overwritten through the SQL script or by using a FinalizeConnectorHandlerBuilder to provide custom implementation of the FinalizeConnectorCallback interface.

Status update¶

When all the above phases are completed successfully the internal status of the Connector will be updated to:

    "status": "STARTED",
    "configurationStatus": "FINALIZED"

For the whole diagram of state transitions, see Connector flow.


Successful response¶

If the procedure finishes successfully it will return a response from FINALIZE_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL procedure. We recommend using the following format:

  "response_code": "OK"

Error response¶

In case of an error the response will follow the below format:

  "response_code": "<ERROR_CODE>",
  "message": "<error message>"

Possible error codes:

  • INVALID_CONNECTOR_STATUS - The procedure was called on already configured connector

  • INVALID_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION_STATUS - The procedure was called when the CONFIGURATION_STATUS was different from CONNECTED

  • CONNECTOR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND - Connector status record does not exist in database (independent of user’s input at this stage - an internal error)

  • INTERNAL_ERROR - Something went wrong internally, the message should be descriptive